Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning feeling bummed out. The news from the day before weighed a lot on my mind and the only thing I thought about was the terrible possibility of me being pregnant. I didn't want to face any of the guys, or even worse, my brother. I knew he would be extremely pissed considering he still didn't know why I ran away to his house yet. I needed to get the pressure off my chest and live up to reality, but I knew I wouldn't be able to compose myself when I let it all out to him.

Grow up Aisa a voice yelled at me from the back of my head. I knew it was time I had to do what I had to do. I just knew being 18 would probably be the hardest part of my already screwed up life.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, pushed on the sweat pants from the day I arrived and searched for a plain t-shirt. All I needed was a quick run to clear my head at the moment. After searching for my phone around my room for a few minutes, I decided to ditch it, even though it was better to run with the bass of music in my ears.

I jogged up the street, happy at the choice of pants I decided to wear instead of the normal jogging shorts I always wore. It was extremely windy and it made my legs tremble even though the sweats were thick.

"Aisa?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. She was obviously sitting in a car because I heard it drive up the street.

I turned around, squinting my eyes in order to see the face that sat in the drivers seat. I noticed it was Briella with a guy next to her. I waved and she pulled over, I jogged up to the car and bent down a little.

"What are you doing here?" I asked leaning in to see the stranger in the passenger's seat.

"I came to see you. I saw someone that looked exactly like you jogging and drove up instead of parking in the drive way. So, are you coming?" She asked me, turning the engine off and getting out the car. Again, the man stayed put in his seat.

I looked at her with confusion as I wiped the bead of sweat that was about to drip down the side of my face. I stood there clueless not realizing I still didn't give her an answer. "I'm sorry, I've got a lot on my mind. Coming where?"

Her eyebrows knitted together as she stared at me wierdly. "Uh, the job I offered you. My boss wanted to know whether or not he had to come in early for the interview that I thought you would be dressed and ready for."

"What are you talking about? I know you told me briefly at the party but I don't remember any details being discussed."

"Girl, I sent you a text with all the information on it."

I didn't even know where I had my phone, let alone where I'd seen it last.

"I lost it."

"Wow. Um, okay." She glanced at her Michael Kors golden watch and looked back up at me. "Can you get dressed in the next 20 minutes? He's really impatient."

I debated whether or not I wanted to stall my run for this interview. My finnacial problems and possible pregnancy reminded me that I needed it more than I wanted myself to believe. The real working world finally hit me and threw me off of my unstable high horse.


"Need a ride back?"

"Nah, I got it." The house wasn't too far away and cutting off my run was already enough. I reached the doorstep in record time, pulling out my keys to unlock the front door. Before I could push the key into the lock, the door swung open; and a girl strolled out.

I stared her down wondering which one of the boys she was with. She didn't look like any of their types, but I aslo thought the same about the white girl that I caught Jaden with. She moved around me and I entered not bothering to question her. Taking a quick shower, I stood in front of my closet unsure what to wear. I grabbed the first thing that looked presentable. By the way Briella was dressed, it didn't even look like she was going to work anyway.

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