Yes he pushed me out of a window. And yes he just let me smack him in the face. And yes I remember everything that happened the forbidden so called night. And yes Amber Rose wants to rebelle and never see his stupid face again in her life. But I'm Amelia now. Like I always have been. And I don't want to take back a second of my time with him the last couple months. And yes. I believe I am in love with him.
       I saw it in her eyes that she probably remembers everything. I personally think it was a combination of everything that made her forget for so long, and forget all together. It was the head trauma for sure. Doctors said that she would be lucky if she ever remembered anything. But she did. It took 4 months 5 days and 15 hours. Those were the longest days of my life but, she remembered. She said she remembered falling and remembers her family past and going to the foster care facility. She remembers friends from school and everything in between. She thought she did. And we let her think it. She remembered the populars. She remembered what classes she was taking in which room, she remembered the way to the gas station and she even remembered her locker combination. But she, by no alignments of stars in sky and any definition of the word, remembered me.

        This had it's pros though. She wouldn't remembered the things that happened that night I regret, she wouldn't remember the entire fire and she wouldn't remember that I pushed her out of a window. But she also wouldn't remember our conversation on the lawn chairs and playing with the sparklers, or, how I was captain of the football team and a member of the populars. She wouldn't remember varsity jacket number 16 and how it was hers the second she explained to me how she was cold. She wouldn't remember the things I want her to remember me for. So I must do it myself, I must make myself important to her, more than I once was and more than she can predict, which by her standards, isn't much. 

     I also believe other than her head trauma, no one bringing up the party, and everyone making it the most secret event to ever happen in our country, made it much worse for her, she was never exposed to the idea that there can be a memory hidden deep in the depth of her brain, and this I also believe contributed to the lack of depth and love in her heart. Not remembering an event that made you truly feel something for the first time can make you feel empty, and I think that's where she was missing me.

"Can I show you something after?" She says to me in a rather frail voice.

"Yes. Is everything alright? Amelia, I am really sorry because I know even though it was 3 years ago I-"

"It's alright. I slapped you, that was enough payback." She smiled lightly. I couldn't help but still feel guilty.

"Just come to my room at the foster place after, ok? I want to give back what I think is yours."


She smiled and walked away. She is not only terrifying me but confusing me. I'm just gonna have to go with it I guess.

"Mate, it's pretty obvious." Michael tells me as he flips through his phone. "How is it obvious. What does she have that's mine?"

"It could be cute and sentimental. She can say you have my heart or something. She wants you man." Cal says slurping the drink in his hand.

"Amber?" Ashton practically pees himself. "Sure, she's gonna go all William Shakespeare on him."

Michael looks at Ash and chuckles. "Man, she just wants you. Nothing materialistic. Maybe her remembering that night kinda changed her perspective and she really wants to be good with you. In a way that's much more than just good with you. Ya feel?"

"No. No I don't." I stare at all three of the them occupying themselves with something that isn't my problems. "She's probably gonna give me a phone charger I left behind or something."

Ashton puts up his finger and turns to grab something from his bag. "Nah mate. That was me with your charger." As he hands the white cord to me.

"Why do I bother?" I sigh to myself as I sink down in my chair and pull out my phone.
I only told the moon and whatever is great above us about my feelings for him. Only the moon. The thing that shines ever so bright in something as dark as night. Now I think it's time to tell my other source of light in a time of darkness. I think it's time for me to tell Luke. But first I have to give back what's his.


SUPER SHORT CHAPTER BUT ITS OK! This fic isn't gonna be over just yet, I'm estimating at least another 10 good length chapters. Love yooouuuu ❤️❤️

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