You know how when you're little and you would be at the grocery store, and you would see the lollipop you just needed to have? You'd throw a tantrum just to get it and maybe your parents will get you the lollipop just for you to shut up. At that age we made such a big fuss over something as temporary as a lollipop, and now, we bottle inside the emotions of craving something so bad and it could last a lifetime. That's the risk though. It could last a lifetime, but in some cases, it could still just be temporary. But my God is it worth the risk.

       Okay. So now, you have the lollipop. You're in the shopping cart being pushed around like some princess sucking on the lollipop which has the outcome of making your tongue purple. (Or orange but that's a personal preference) Your parents pushed the cart into the aisle full of toys. The lollipop in your mouth means nothing compared to how you want that doll. You through a tantrum again and your parents hope and pray to God it stops. Eventually they give up with you, but are not willing to put their guard down on you for the second time today. Their goal is to raise you to be a queen, prepared for her duties and having a head held high while being respected, not a princess. So they pick you up and take you to the check out, rushing so they can get you out of that store. Now you're in the car seat and all the way home your lip is pouted and eyes are red and puffy. The whole time, if your brain was more complex, you'd be thinking about how not only could you have had that doll for a lifetime, but you could have shared a forever with it. You would have played with it until your 8 and even then you would only tell people you didn't play with dolls so you don't get made fun of. But every day you came home, opened your closet, and played with that doll until you're 12. Then it was put away in a cardboard box and you see it next when you are moving out, cleaning out the attic ready to start your new life and say 'this is going to be for my future daughter.' Now if we knew this at the time, I would have never asked for that stupid lollipop, because that doll. We could have shared a lifetime.

      You can't always get what you want in life. Sometimes you get exactly what you want to find out it wasn't actually what you wanted. But that's life and I guess what life's really about; finding a way to make two ends meet.

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