It's quite funny really. How everything can change in the blink of an eye. I haven't spoken to Dylan since....the day. Mark your calendars folks because that day is going down in history. The day Amber Rose turned down Dylan Kost. Nothing about me and Luke have been spreading because the only people to witness the kiss was some freshman in the library and Michael, Calum and Ashton, who, by the way, still doesn't attend the school. As far as I am concerned I haven't spoken to them a day in my life but today will be that day. The big football game is today and I'm going with Luke and the boys. I'm not nervous because me and Luke are just friends and Michael, Calum and Ashton aren't exactly intimidating. Well, maybe Ashton. He's already in college and he's super attractive.

I'm freaking out. She's meeting my best mates today. And between me and you, they already don't like her. They see her as, well, as she sees herself. I just need more time with her. More time for her to understand that being herself now is completely okay. I hope she isn't snappy with them. That's all, because if push comes to shove and I have to chose between my mates and her, it's no competition.

"Crystal, hurry up." I bang on the washroom door shared amongst 12 girls.

"Go to the next room!" One of the 12 girls, Crystal, yells.

There are 3 rooms of 12 girls. 36 girls separated by how they were left. The first room of 12 is the room I'm in called the 'left' room. The room of 12 girls who showed up or were dropped off for no particular reason. It's all just a mystery. The second room is the one with no name. The other girls in my room and I call it the 'sent aways' because it's the room where it's sort of like our situation where they were given up, but they were handed to the foster care by hand. No mystery to it. Then the third room. The room that no one likes to pass in the hall. The room that is the reason our foster care has security guards and acts as if it's some sort of mental house. The 'trauma' room. 12 girls who had to go through hell and back and their middle names are trouble. Whether it is car accident, suicide, murder, house fire, they are all in there. Of course you have the good kids who don't cause trouble and are forced to watch the other ones lose their minds. We have these same 3 rooms on the floor above us for the boys, there however are only 5 boys in each room. We have 3 more rooms after those main ones. One is the nursery where both boys and girls go until you are 1. Then you have the child centre rooms, one for boys one for girls, where you have kids go until 9 years old. As of 9 they are in one of the big kid 3 rooms. The youngest girl in my room is 11. All the kids lately have been trauma.

Today not only is the big football game and me meeting the boys, it's also Alessia's ninth birthday. The day number 13 goes into the trauma room.

I decide that I'm not going to wait by this bathroom door anymore and go to the sent aways room.

As I knock on the all to familiar door I start to speak. "Hey guys, do you mind if I use the washroom? Crystal's taking to long."

"Full. Sorry. But wait Amber!" Taya asked me. She is always asking questions. Always. I swear to god she doesn't stop talking, ever.

"What." I say huffing an exhaustive sigh.

"Hemmings is trying to get the guards to let him in. He's probably coming to see you."

"WHAT?!?" I screamed so loud. I ran so fast toward the entrance, I however stopped and started going slower as I saw the third room welcoming Alessia with a banner that says Welcome Alessia Kost! Happy 9th Birthday! I couldn't help but feel a shortness of breath from running and seeing the sign. I didn't know Kost was such a popular last name. As I continue my sprints I reach the front door where I see Luke talking to security. He sees my face and his expression softens.
"Amber! Thank God! She will prove I go to Davenforth and I have a right to be here." I said not thinking everything through.

"Yeah, he's with me don't worry. Luke, what did you want? It's still early to pick me up."

As I was about to interject, the guard spoke for me.

"He told me, he is here to see a gentleman from Davenforth."
I just look at him. He's blushing, his eyes turn a paler blue and his jaw clenches. Luke isn't here to see me and apparently someone who goes to Davenforth other than me is at this foster care. And I don't know the answer to either.

"Luke." I say with the same expression.
Thanks a lot you fucking imbecile. I would have said that out loud if it wasn't a cop with the authority to put me in jail.

"Amber I-"

"You got caught in a lie and you played yourself kid." The guard says to me. I give him a glare. I put my hand on Amelia's shoulder and push her to the side so we can have some privacy.

"I came to pick you up but I was going to take a little detour. I can't really say much about it though."

"Luke, just fucking tell me who is here that goes to our school because I'm not aware that I've been living with them for the last 4 freaking years." She tells me, obviously pretty mad.

I sigh. Nothing I can say can change the fact she knows something up. And if I tell her, that's another secret down. "Amelia, Do you know who's birthday it is today?"

"A little girl named Alessia, why?"

"Who's my sister?"


"Who's Gabriella's sister?"

She looks dumb founded. How the hell am I suppose to tell her if she doesn't know the back story.
"I had no idea Gabriella had a sister." I tell him honestly. I was 14 so I was already in the bigger rooms and I wasn't with the little kids. I only knew Gabriella well because, why wouldn't I invest my time in the little girl who was so much better than me that a family had to chose her over me.

"Amy, Alessia is her sister."

I am shocked. My face looks like I have just seen a ghost. He continues.

"Gabriella is my sister and I just wanted to wish my sisters sister a happy birthday from Me, Her, my brothers and my parents."

"You said you were here for a gentleman." Remembering what the guard said from earlier. He can't trick me. I am a fox and nothing can out smart the out smarters.

"I'm here to talk to their brother."

"Alessia and Gabriella have a brother? What the hell-" I stop. My head starts spinning.
She catches on fast. At least I think she caught on, she looks like she's going to faint.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned. She doesn't answer for a while so I figure she is soaking it in. I was wrong. Tears started springing to her eyes.
It's like I had a flashback. Alessia Kost.

"This isn't happening. Luke, tell me right now that Dylan isn't here."

"I can't tell you that."

I irrupted into sobs. I have never cried in front of anyone other than my mom, Dad and Brothers. That's a really long time for not crying in front of people. Luke just wraps his arms around me and pulls away once I stop sobbing. I stop sobbing because my brain started working like a computer. Alessia is going into the trauma room.

A/N: shits going down guys.

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