"Your head means nothing when your heart is in control."

"Don't let your heart have control then."

"That's impossible. Especially in love, I mean, what are you supposed to do? Love with your head? You just have to trust your heart, that's all."

It's been a couple weeks since everything has happened. Everything is the same except calmer. No drama has happened since the big game and it's been so nice. My routine hasn't really changed either, I've been going to Luke's house, sitting on the back of his truck until 2AM and coming back to the foster home. The security guards don't really care since they are there for the trauma room only. And suck at their job. And they are always sleeping by the time I come back. Brooke and I haven't been spending time together at all and she's kinda pissed. What can you do though? She'll get over it. Me and Luke are currently having one of the most real conversations we've ever had. And yes. It was on the back of his truck.

"What if you haven't given your heart a chance and you can't trust it because you have nothing to base it upon?"

He turns his head and chuckles through his smirk. "I'm starting to think this is more of an advice session then a conversation."

"Not at all. I know how to love someone." I could tell what I said wasn't convincing and that he doesn't really believe me. I can't blame him, I don't believe me either. "Dylan, remember." He chuckles again and turns his head back to looking up at the very few stars from through the trees.

"How can I forget? I was busy wondering what he had that I didn't for a good 3 years."

I've never heard him say that. It makes me wonder why I didn't see this earlier. He had everything Dylan had and more. He noticed I was deep in thought and spoke up again.

"Now I realize it was just cause I was too perfect."

I stop his sarcastic manner right away. "Luke." He senses all seriousness in my voice and straightens his back. He just nods.

"Since we're on the note of deep conversations, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You never spoke to me about whatever you needed to talk to me about." I say remembering the text of that weird night.

"Oh. Yeah well, I mean it's fine. It's a pretty long story and we don't-"

"Why wouldn't we have time?"


"Have some explaining to do. Yeah you do." That's probably not how he was gonna finish the sentence, but hey. He can't back down now.

He gulps and you can tell his heart was pumping the speed of light.

"Ok. Well I don't know how to start this off."

"Start with my broken arm." He stares in shock.

"Ok I guess we can start there. How much do you know about that night?" So he does have all the answers to what's been boggling my mind for weeks. Or years for that matter.

"Dylan's house. Fire. Affected neighbourhood. I was with you. And apparently you pushed me out of a window and apparently Alessia almost died." Tears are starting to come to my eyes. I suck them in with everything I have in me. It's just scaring me knowing that what I thought was rumours could potentially be the truth.

He breathes in heavily from his nose. "The girls were sleeping in their room when Dylan had the party. His parents weren't in town and he had to watch them, so when it came their bed time, he invited basically the entire school. You and I were pretty flirty that day, we drank a lot. We weren't quite drunk though, there was truth and normality in our situation. We were talking on the couch but it was so loud so we went upstairs to Dylan's room and we were.....Uhm." He says between gulps.

"We were making out. I remember that." I say bluntly. I kind of cringed thinking about how 15-14 year old Luke and I were drinking, touching and talking to each other. I shrug it off though. Can't change it now. Now thinking about it I remember more details. I remember the varsity jacket on him with a big C. He was captain. I remember him as captain. I remember him as cocky, yet shy, better than everyone else, school heartthrob Luke.

"Yeah. Anyways." He says fast. Clearly he isn't fond of the thought either. "I guess while we were doing that Dylan and his buddy's were smoking inside. They were also pissed drunk and were being dumbasses. A cigarette touched the curtains and it caught on fire. Everyone left the room after that so no one noticed." Talk about bad timing. "The house caught on fire and we happened to be in the closest room to the curtains on fire."

I suddenly remember everything.
"What's that smell?"


We both jumped up and opened the door to see the curtains from the upstairs hallway on fire. The first thing Luke said was that the girls were in the next room. We run in to help them and the fire spread right into their room. We couldn't escape on time because we were getting the girls and screaming for someone to help. The girls just barley made it. Had some burns and lungs were a little heavy from walking into the smoke but nothing serious. Alessia had to be out on a breather for a little bit because of how much smoke she inhaled. Luke and I were stuck, we were screaming and panicking.

"Go! Go Amber!"

"Where Luke? Where the hell am I suppose to go?"

"Jump out of the window."

"Not if you're not coming!"

"Amber go!" He shouted as the fire comes into the room further. We were almost pushed up against the wall at this point. I feel him grab my waist and push closer to the window. All I did, all I could do, was scream and shout and hold onto him. The last thing in my head was his sorrowful guilty blue eyes and the words sorry coming from his lips, and then. I fell.
-  [also if u didn't know, every time u see this dash (-) it means a POV change]

"Amelia, are you okay?" I say grabbing her arms. It's happening again. The hyperventilating, staring off into space and looking like she's about to faint. It always happens when talking about her past. Another thing Amelia will never tell you is that she has anxiety attacks ever since she was little. She heard her parents fighting a lot and it really affected her. I need to tell her the rest of this story because she deserves to know, but I can't risk her putting me as another thing that affected her for the worst.

She holds onto my arms as she usually does when this happens and takes big breathes. "Everything I imagine is real." She finally confesses. "It's cause it's a memory more then an imaginary thought." I told her, still holding her up from the back of her arm. "Well." She got to stand on her own ground now, without my help. She brushes her hands off on her black skinny jeans. "You can spare your breathe. I remember what happened. Is that what you meant by you would only hurt me to protect me?" I guess she doesn't need me to explain to her. She's so intelligent and it bugs me that she can't see that. "Yeah. Kinda what I-" before I could finish my sentence her hand came into contact with my cheek, rather forcefully. Some of you can refer to it as a slap in the face.

I slapped him in the face.
I know she didn't mean it. She was getting anger out and I respect that. I kind of ruined every aspect of her life.
He ruined my life and confessed about it as if it's nothing.
She's probably never gonna wanna talk to me again so I savour every moment of that slap.
So why is he making it more worth while?

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