Chapter 18

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Tyler's POV

"We were drunk. When I said I loved her, I meant it as a friend. Like I love her as a friend. Plus she doesn't remember anything from last night anyways so whatever." I said to Freddy through phone. I left to take Marshall for a walk. I just needed some air.

"So when you say that, are you trying to convince me or you?"

"Ahahaha, good one Fred."

"You need stop denying yourself the simple pleasures life. Life is too short to be in denial Ty, you need to tell her." Freddy said with a sigh.

"Yeah because you're definitely the relationship guru. I don't love her like that also what the hell even happened to you last night? You just disappeared!" I asked.

"Uhmm I had to leave."

"Well yeah I figured that much why?"

Freddy just sighed and said nothing.

"Freddy, bro what happened?" I found a bench to sit while Marshall played with the other dogs.

"Kate told me she loved me."

"Wait what? You told her how you felt right? You told her you loved her back? Dude this is great, this is amazing! I'm so happy for you." I honestly couldn't believe it. I was beyond happy for him.


"Ahaha sorry Fred, I think the line was cut momentarily. What was that?"

"I told her I didn't love her."

I didn't know what to say or think. I felt like my mind had shut down. "What the fuck did you do? Did you fall on your head before this happened? Did you smash your head on a door? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Now I was getting pissed.

Why would he do that? Kate was the love of his life!

"She's happy Ty. She thinks that she loves me but she doesn't. She's just getting cold feet. Daniel is good for her. He can protect her and he cares for her. He is financially stable and knows what he wants in life. He is what she needs. When you love something set it free."

"Are you delusional? Fred, I don't even know what to say to you right now man. You can give her all of that and more. You can give her something that Daniel can't Fred and she told you yesterday when she said she loved you."

"I'm not Daniel, Tyler. I can't give her what Daniel can."

"You're right, you can give her your love, you can give her you. And that's something Daniel never can."


Mia's POV

I had the biggest headache of life and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I helped myself to a another coffee since there was no one home at the Seguin residence. I could already feel the coffee start to work its hangover magic. What even happened last night? I remember swimming with tyler. We were drinking and watching the stars. Nothing happened though-

"Anyone home?" Tyler yelled while walking into the house.

"In the kitchen." I replied.

"Hey." He said walking in and grabbing a water from the fridge.


"I wanted to give you some time so I took Marshall for a walk."


"Listen we should talk-" Tyler said turning to face me but I cut him off.

"Nothing happened last night right? Like in the pool when we were drunk?"

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