Chapter 17

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Mia's POV

"Hey Jackie." I said walking into the kitchen. "This is absolutely amazing and something you did not have to do!"

"Just say thank you and enjoy yourself." She said smiling. "And besides it was Tyler who planed the whole thing." She smirked at me. The same smirk the Tyler has.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Ohh honey you think this is bad? Wait until you see what he got you as an engagement present! And you can try to hide but you know he won't let you leave tonight until you open it!" Sadly it was true.

"So should I get it over with now?" I asked feeling already beaten.

"Enjoy the night first." She said as she stopped what she was doing to look at me. "I remember the first time Tyler brought you home to meet us, like it was yesterday. And now look at you! All grown up and getting married to a man that is not my son."

I smiled and fought hard to hold back tears.

"I know that people keep saying this to you but I had always hoped that you would end up marrying my son. I don't worry about him when he's with you, because I know he's safe. Let me tell you, if Paul and I had what you two share I would still be married to my ex-husband." For once I didn't fight back, or make some comment about Finn. I just listened as she turned back to what she was doing. "I hope you two are able to stay friends. I know your going to have a husband soon but you are still going to need each other."

I hugged Jackie from behind because she was busy cooking something. "Thank you." I said.

"You don't have to thank me honey. I'm always here for you. Your like the step daughter I never had!" She said laughing.

"Aww to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my two favourite women in the same room." Tyler said. I looked around to see Ava but she was no where to be found.

"Girl stuff sweetheart." Jackie said.

"It's okay mom you can tell me, I already buy tampons at shoppers for Mia. The people at shoppers know me by name. I have a tab."

"You don't buy me tampons!" Ava said walking into the kitchen sounding annoyed.

"We'll you never asked." Tyler said turning to face her.

"I shouldn't have to your my boyfriend-"

"Who wants to open presents." I shouted loud enough for everyone to cheer back before Ava could finish her sentience. She looked pissed.

"That's a great idea." She said turning from Tyler to me.

Before following Ava out of the kitchen Tyler grabbed my wrist. "It's probably best if you don't open my gift in front of my girlfriend."

"I won't." Was all I said before walking out to meet Ava until I realized I had forgotten my camera in the kitchen. I turned to go back in but stopped when I heard people whispering.

"There is a line between friends and girlfriends. It's okay to come to it but you have to know when the proper time is to cross it."

Jackie came out a few seconds later holding my camera. "You forgot your camera in the kitchen sweetheart." She said before smiling and walking to join the crowd in the other room.

Did she know I heard what she had said? Did she know I was standing out here eavesdropping? Did she even care?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Tyler turned the corner and walked right into me.

"Holy crap! You scare the shit out of me." He said grabbing his chest. "How long have you been standing here?"

"I just got here. I came to get my camera." I lied. Why did I lie?

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