Chapter 15

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Kate's POV

It was a miracle that I didn't get into a car accident on the way home because my vision was blurred with tears and I was most definitely not concentrating on the road. And on top of that I was on my cell phone. Yeah I know it's illegal but Mia wasn't answering her phone.

It was around 9:00pm when I parked the car. I ended up at Tyler's apartment because Mia wasn't picking up her phone and I knew Freddy would most likely look for me at my house or Mia's Hyde first. I just need some space from him and some time to think.

I knocked about fifty times on Tyler's door before someone opened it. It was Tyler.

"Kate are you okay? What happened?" He asked reaching for my arm.

"Is Freddy here?" That was the first thing I could think of asking.

"Uhmm no. Kate your really worrying me. What's going on?" He was definitely worried.

"Can we just talk..." I asked feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"Yeah come in, just go to the kitchen and get some water." He said still holding the door open. "Uhmm Ava your going to have to go home tonight." He yelled from the door.

I was in the kitchen hiding behind the counter. I knew if she saw me she would start asking questions that I really wasn't in the mood to answer.

"What why? I had a special evening planed for us." She was practically throwing herself at him. Some things never change. Unless they have. Oh my god he hasn't slept with her yet. I let my jaw drop as I watched from the kitchen.

"Yeah well I'm not really feeling it tonight. Sorry." He was practically pushing her out the door. I had to cover my mouth to stop from laughing out loud.

"It's Mia isn't it? Are you cheating on me? Is that why you won't sleep with me?"

I know Ava is my sisters friend and all but that girl could not take a hint.

"Ava if I wanted a piece of ass I would have slept with you a long time ago. Now please I have some things I need to take care of I will talk to you tomorrow!"

And with that she was gone. Finally.

"You haven't slept with her, I'm impressed." I said with a smirk.

"I know that I already lost my card a while ago but I'm a changed man. I'm waiting." He said walking into the kitchen.

"For what?" I asked curious now.

"My girl."

"You don't think Ava's your girl?"

"I don't know, she could be."

"Your lying." I said looking into his eyes.

"I thought you said you needed to talk?" He said sassily.

"Your lucky I don't have a lot of time."

"And why don't you have a lot of time?"

"Because I can't be here when Freddy gets home." I said playing with my fingers.

"And why is that?"

"Because he kissed me." Tyler's eyes almost jumped out of their sockets.

"He what?"

"And I kissed him back."

"Ohh Kate-" He began.

"I know I'm a horrible person." It was true I was.

"Okay first what did you guys say after the kiss?"

"He apologized and I told him it was fine and to just forget it ever happened." The tears were swelling in my eyes again.

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