My World

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Xia takes a hold of Trinity's hand "to Zion.... we have to go to Zion!"  she says and they wake up Neo and Trinity get unplugged and they hear the machine face say "it is done"  the two women carry Neo's body all the way to the ship and fly off to Zion.... the machines had fixed the ship as they were in the Matrix no one knew why though.... once Trinity and Xia reach Zion "Neo is going to need his rest.... he has been through a lot in these past few hours"  Xia says "it is possible that people will think that no one survived.... not that I'd blame them.... any "normal" person wouldn't!"  she adds Trinity chuckles as the two of them carry Neo out of the ship all of Zion came over to see what was going on and ask what had happened Morpheus gently took Neo from the two of them and that is when Xia saw him the familiar face of the man she loves a smile spread across her face as she ran toward the tux and shades wearing man jumping high into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck and that's when he felt it for the little one(s) inside her kicked him "Smith!"  she whispers with a soft alluring tone he reaches down and rubs her stomach "yes!.... a boy and a girl.... Trinity is different she's having a girl and a boy!"  she tells him with a smile Smith chuckles then he leans down and kisses her lips she moans and her eyes close softly "let's go home!"  she whispers she slides down his body then takes his hand and they walk out of Zion together arms around each others hips as they leave Neo comes running over he sees Smith then stops and smiles she turns around letting go of Smith she jogs over to Neo and gives him a hug then says as her head lay across his chest "I'm glad your ok!.... I'll come visit soon.... but I've had enough excitement to last me the next 5 months!"  Neo chuckles then replies with a smile "understandable!"  Xia leans back and looks into his eyes then says "by the way.... congratulations!"  he looks at her confused then his eyes widen and he asks with a soft surprised tone "you mean!?!"  she smiles then says "your connection with Smith is gone... but your connection to Trinity will never go away!.... and yes!.... just no naming them after me!.... Morpheus maybe.... but....!"  Neo laughs as she gives him one more hug then says "it isn't safe for him Neo!.... he's still known as the enemy.... trust is earned not given!.... it doesn't come free!.... but then when is anything ever free!?!.... especially here!"  and walks back over to Smith and wraps her arm back around his waist and they continue walking away from Zion....

"How do we!?!"  Smith asks in a confused worried tone when they walk into Xia's home.... they decided to move in there since Smith was far too well known in both worlds and once it is found out that he still lives he would be targeted by many.... she kisses him softly then replies "we don't have to!.... I would be happy just having you here and laying by your side!.... I am quite tired.... it's been a long day!.... though I wouldn't mind a warm bath!.... that rain was cold!"  Smith chuckles and kisses her lips she turns away from him and walks into her master bath she starts the water and strips out of her wet clothes then steps into the bath "I am curious of one thing though....!"  she says through the open door as she sits and soaks in the bubbly warm water and Smith strips out of his wet suit "now that you are truly free.... will you continue to wear the suits or try something else?!"  she asks Smith chuckles then says "well... I did like the outfit you gave me to wear at the club"  he pauses then says in a surprised tone "what do you mean "truly free!?!"  she smiles then asks "do you actually believe I would allow the father of my children to stay under the control of something else!?!"  Smith walks into the bathroom in a pair of dry white boxers and asks softly with a surprised concerned tone "what have you done!?!.... Xia!"  she looks at him then says "nothing I can't handle!.... I am to make sure you stay the man that I know and not the enemy Neo knew and keep the peace for as long as we live!.... I'm thinking that should be easy for in about five months you will be far too busy to do much of anything else anyway!"  he laughs and she says "for now the only thing you have to worry about is keeping me out of trouble and what to name these two!.... one job may be easier than the other.... but I'm not saying which one!"  he takes a towel then leans down and pulls her up out of the bath wrapping her in the towel and carrying her to the bed she laughs happily as she wraps her arm around his neck holding on even after he laid her down and he lays next to her his head on her breast and hand on her belly with a smile on his face....

It took Smith a few years but he finally earned the trust of those in the Matrix and in Zion he worked with Neo helping him repair the damage he had caused and keep the peace within the Matrix.... they named their daughter Nyah which is Swahili in origin and means purpose and their son Atropos which is Greek in origin and means inevitable, inflexible (Atropos was one of the three Fates in Greek Mythology and yes it is a feminine name the poor boy😉).... Trinity and Neo's children Tamsin (a feminine version of Thomas) in memory of Neo's "old life" and Neb after and in memory of the Nebuchadnezzar their children were raised together and got along quite well they were each taught by Seraph, the Oracle, Morpheus, Niobe, and many others on the ways of each world Smith's and Xia's children gained the ability that their mother had so that they didn't need to be connected like Trinity and Neo to enter the Matrix but their story is a different one and possibly their own to tell if they wish too as for Smith and Xia, Trinity and Neo their love was everlasting neither could imagine their life without one or the other Smith no longer wanted to control what he knew he could never truly control and in many ways was happy what happened did for if it hadn't he would never had been able to live with the woman who held his heart so gently or gotten to know his children he shall never forget what had happened or forgive himself for how it happened or how he treated and ignored Xia throughout that time in that part of his once miserable life his love and his children are his world and apparently there IS life after death for he feels more alive now than he ever has

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