Agent Smith

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Xia was 28 when she met Agent Smith for the first time.... she had heard about the Agents but never met one before.... she was trying to protect a group children from being hurt and possibly kidnapped though she was unsure of their true intentions she still wanted to protect the innocent ones from those that try to harm them and the Agents were "called in" because of the commotion 8 adult males against 1 female and 4 children huddled together in fear of the men as the Agents came over they stopped in their track as they watched Xia single handedly fight each man....

 she was trying to protect a group children from being hurt and possibly kidnapped though she was unsure of their true intentions she still wanted to protect the innocent ones from those that try to harm them and the Agents were "called in" becaus...

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Xia was the first to notice the Agents.... as she fought she walked up to Agent Smith and asked "may I borrow this?!"  without waiting for an answer she softly took off his tie then ran back to the men who were  trying to take advantage of her walking away by heading back to the children Agent Smith touched the collar of his shirt as he watched her take his tie and wrap it around one of the mens neck and pulled him backwards, then she wrapped the tie around one of the other mens wrist tightly without touching the man himself that man looked over at her and tried to punch her but she swerved out of the way and he hit one of his buddies instead with the attention brought back to her she continued to fight in her tight leather dress still using Agent Smith's tie as she fought "I'm curious.... which one of us will have to buy the Agent over there a new tie!.... after we're through here of course.... I'd hate to ruin ALL you fun!"  she says sarcastically hearing the word "Agent" the 8 men she was fighting look shocked and possibly scared then look over to see the group of Agents all with smiles on their faces in the direction she walked over to "hey! be grateful I took his tie and not his shades.... just imagine the damage I could cause with them!.... though there is something about the air of mystery they bring!.... don't you agree boys!?!"  she kicks up high hitting the "leader" in the head and knocking him unconscious the other 7 look at her angrily and growl at her she rolls her eyes at them "it's best you leave while you have a chance fellas!.... without the children if you please!.... cause if you think I will allow you to go anywhere near them again.... you are as stupid as you look!.... you have a choice to make fellas..... deal with me!.... deal with them!.... or leave and do not return!"  the men run away in fear....

Xia walks back over to Agent Smith and for the first time actually looks up at his face she stops.... her breath catches, her heart flutters and beats rapidly and even though her body acts in a way it has never done before her voice is calm as she speaks and hands the tie back over to him "I'm not sure if you want this back but it is yours so... here you are!"  he takes it from her his hand touches hers and makes her skin tingle "I suppose I will be the one who owes you a new one though since I am the one who stole it in the first place..... Agent....?!"  he smiles at her a small seemingly emotionless smile as he answers in a deep monotoned drawl "Smith"  she smiles at him a true tantalizing smile  "Xia Zahirah"  she holds out her hand and he shakes it "the seductress!?!"  another Agent asks in a somewhat surprised tone her smile disappears and she pulls her hand back "do with them what you will Agent!.... I have other matters to attend to"  she says in a dry somewhat dark tone and she walks away....

Agent Smith watches Xia leave in deep desperate wonder as to how his body could react to her as it did his shock when he heard the word seductress though he could see it she sure did something to him in such a manner but it was stronger.... much stronger.... Agent Smith's voice if Xia's heart was beating rapidly before just by looking at his face it was going even faster now after hearing his voice like it was trying to pound it's way out of her chest and almost made it she sighs heavily and shakes her head trying to clear it and get him out of it and she went straight to a tux shop to buy him a tie she figured if she got that done and over with she would never have to see him again she kept it the plain solid black that all the Agent wear if not a bit shiner than the rest

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