Date with an Agent

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"I'm not sure where we should go though!.... I didn't think that far ahead!"  Xia tells Agent Smith honestly Agent Smith turns to look at her and notices that her cheeks had turned pink as she slid her hand into his and intertwined her fingers in his his eyes widen in surprise it was such a natural motion for her but not for him she turned her body towards him and says softly "I am curious about one thing though.... may I!?!"  he tilts his head in confusion as she reaches up with her free hand and carefully takes off his shades she brushes the side of his face softly as she does so and his blue eyes meet her violet blue ones and she smiles a smile spreads across his face as well....

Agent Smith takes Xia to the Le Vrai ( French meaning "the real" or "the true"/"truth") restaurant in the Mega City where she catches the eye of The Merovingian....

Agent Smith takes Xia to the Le Vrai ( French meaning "the real" or "the true"/"truth") restaurant in the Mega City where she catches the eye of The Merovingian

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Which displeased his wife Persephone.....

Even though her chair faced The Merovingian and Persephone Xia ignored the two of them as she kept her eyes locked on Agent Smith she smiles as he looks at her from over his menu and smiles but before he can speak the waiter comes to take their or...

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Even though her chair faced The Merovingian and Persephone Xia ignored the two of them as she kept her eyes locked on Agent Smith she smiles as he looks at her from over his menu and smiles but before he can speak the waiter comes to take their order she waves over at him and says "I'm trusting you Smith!.... would you do the honor of ordering for me?!.... I never actually looked at the menu!"  she shrugs and he laughs a soft airy laugh then orders for the two of them....

Agent Smith asks her about herself where she was from, how she became a part of the Matrix he wanted to know everything she answered each question honestly told him about her parents, how she was raised and their plans for her which to her surprise made him angry she was also surprised that he never asked about Neo.... I know it seems strange that he waited this long but she seemed to ignore those types of questions till now.... they were silent as their food came and just enjoyed being in each others presence as they ate they didn't speak again till they had finished and their plates were taken away.....

As they sat and talked a few minutes later the waiter came back with an dessert that they never ordered they both look at it curiously "did you order this!?!"  Xia asks confused tilting her head Agent Smith shakes his head "I think.... I'm ready to go now!"  she replies he nods as they stand up The Merovingian walks over with his wife in tow "did you not like it!?!.... I had it made especially for you!"  The Merovingian says to Xia in French "I'm allergic to chocolate!.... besides I have different plans for dessert!"  Xia answers back in French both he and Agent Smith seemed surprised that she knew the language and spoke it so fluently she takes Agent Smith's hand and the two of them walk away The Merovingian watches the two of them leave intrigued by the woman holding the Agents hand as though they were a couple madly in love with one another never wanting to let him go in fact he may have been just a little bit jealous of the Agent who's hand she was holding

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