Neo vs Smith's

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Smith's hand goes through Neo's chest and Neo gasps in pain as Smith says staring him in his shade covered eyes "purpose"  Smith says as the silver goop like substance covers Neo's chest "yes that's it it'll be over soon"  Xia whispers into her friends head "fight it Neo!.... don't let him change you!"  the goop starts to disappear and the self satisfied look on Smith's face disappears Neo looks over at Xia and she nods he pulls Smith's hand out of his chest and fights the group of Smith's as Xia watches once again frozen trying to process everything she witnessed as each clone went down more and more entered the courtyard till there was nothing but a large crowd of Smith's with one Neo caught in the middle it was like being at a concert of some famous band but quieter and instead of loud music there was only the sound of soft fighting Xia stayed where she was she knew that Neo didn't want her to be a part of this that he wouldn't have brought her if he knew it was going to happen she hears an agent say "you...."  then Smith reply "yes me"  he jabs his hand into the agents chest as the agent begins to change Smith says "me, me, me"  the once agent now Smith says "me too"  and the two of them turn then walk to join the fight but Smith stops when the clone stops it had noticed Xia standing up against the wall and walks in her direction curious Smith follows him his eyes widen when he sees her and he is saddened by the fear in her eyes he takes slow careful steps towards her and she backs away from him till she can't back up no more and her body ends up pressed up hard against a corner of the large courtyard as though it was a part of it he reaches for her but she turns her head away "Xia...."  he says softly in his deep monotoned voice his body conveying his sadness "no!.... don't touch me!"  she says "my love!"  he replies and her head snaps back as she once again looks at him "don't call me that!"  she says angrily her eyes burn with a dark and dangerous fire within them "Xia.... it's me!"  he says "how do I know that!?!.... how can I tell which one of you is the "real" you!?!"  she replies sadly he doesn't answer "that's what I thought!"  she sighs "just..... go away.... and leave me alone!"....

Smith sadly turns and walks away the last thing he sees is the tears falling from her face he uses his anger and his sadness as he rejoins the fight he knows that it isn't truly Neo's fault but he needed someone to blame someone to put it on so that it didn't hurt so much but it didn't work.... not really.... it hurt even worse as he kept picturing the sorrow and fear the fire and tears everything he never wanted to see in her directed at him was pointed directly at him now and his heart felt like it was being compressed into roadkill or worse as he fought Neo his mind and heart returning to her over and over again he screamed in anguish as he rushed toward Neo his fists out ready to fight more and more Smith's kept coming in Xia's rapidly beating heart made her slide down onto the ground still pressed up against the chained wall in her corner Neo came rushing over to her as he fought and asked in a soft worried tone "are you alright!?!"  she barely had the strength to nod but that is what she did that was all she could do she had no words she couldn't speak Neo rushed back into the fight and kept the Smith's away from her though he believed they would never actually harm her intentionally with how many there were it was possible that she might get caught in the crossfire so to speak he knew she wouldn't leave him alone no matter who it was he was fighting he could tell that she loved Smith and quite possibly still does "I.... I can't tell.... which one is real!"  he hears her whisper in his head he looks in her direction with sorrowful eyes as he hits a brick wall then pulls out a lone poll out of the concrete ground and uses it to fight the many Smith's that rush toward him....

Xia watches as Smith slides against a brick wall and hears him growl "more"  she whispers sadly with a surprised gasp "no!.... Smith please!.... stop!.... please!"  he was now focused on the battle and she was too far away for him to hear her though she knew that he wouldn't stop he might never stop his brain seemed to focus on one thing at a time and was quite possibly incapable to focus on many "tasks" at once and just as he asked for them more started to appear they all came from every opening of the courtyard each time more came they came from different ends of it Neo spun, hopped and was thrown every which way till all the Smith's toppled on top of him in a "dog pile" style making a large ball of Smith bodies like the "famous" giant ball of yarn or rubber bands.... "it is inevitable"  Smith's voice echoed as he spoke into Neo's ear "Neo!"  Xia says in a soft but somewhat loud voice and he grunts pushing them off him the pile of Smith's go flying then fall like dominoes Neo throws the one who spoke at another pile of Smith's then runs over to Xia picks her up laying her in his arms he does "the Superman thing" and gets the two of them out of there Smith looks at his group of clones then lowers his head sadly thinking of Xia once more with so many of him being "born" his connection to her has been severed and he can't feel her at all he did on his first day back when they.... well you know..... but he didn't make any clones then the more clones he made the further she felt from him though he didn't stop making them he wouldn't stop till he has won his clones walk away and he looks up into the sky "I am sorry my love!"  he whispers to himself as he too walks out of the courtyard

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