Adopted Ch. 37 Wood

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After picking up her book, Suzume turned her feet toward the door and placed her hand on the handle.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Toru's dispassionate drone caught her in her tracks. "Temari-sensei will be expecting you."

A beat and Suzume was closing the door behind her, leaving Toru to stare on after her.

"Why was Otaki so worked up?" one of the students' whispers caught his attention. "And all that talk about sending people off to be killed. It actually sounded like he had a conscience."

"Y'know what? I think I know why. I heard a rumor a long time ago about how Otaki-san's older brother was a—"

"Oi." The ice in Toru's voice silenced them. "You want to continue that conversation?"

The pair shook their heads and took up a different conversation about a new film coming out.

_ _ _

Otaki was staring at Kankuro with pigheadedness.

Kankuro crossed his arms. "You're a horrible people person, jan."

He snapped. "If it wasn't your sister—"

"My work here is strictly professional," Kankuro said seriously before cracking a lopsided grin. "Not really. But, if Suzume were acting like you are now, I assure you I won't be as nice as I am to you."

Otaki grumbled, "Yeah, whatever."

"If you have something to say, say it to our face." Kankuro leaned back into his chair. "Don't bring Suzume into it."

His student hesitated. "It's... this crap wasn't your idea. She's just convinced you, somehow, to do it."



"I mean, Suzume's kind of a dork." Kankuro snorted. "This one time, I caught her squeezing the dish soap bottle so the bubbles would fly out! She looked so happy! Oh oh! Then there was another time where she wore the strainer as a hat! And another—"

"A dork wouldn't be able to do the things she's done," Otaki spat out. "Her idealistic ideas will get people killed—"

"Otaki," Kankuro cut in sharply. "Do you really think we'd let just anyone be a shinobi? The same qualifications and protocols apply. Every rank is given missions that suit their ability and experience and people are promoted when they're ready."

"I don't trust your protocals." Otaki's mouth stretched until he bared all of his teeth in a spiteful smile.

"Okay." Kankuro's good-humored tone surprised his student. "Fair enough."

Otaki blinked. "The fuck."

"You don't like how we're doing things. I respect that."

Otaki's eyebrows were traveling further up his forehead. "Say what?"

"You make a good point. There's a lot of flaws in our thought process," Kankuro got up from his seat and went around his desk to stand in front of Otaki. "Therefore," he clapped a hand on his shoulder, "you will attend the Educational Reform conference with me and Temari and Gaara."

A few moments later, Otaki was under the intimidating gaze of Gaara and Temari in front of the meeting hall with Kankuro being all smiley by his side.

Otaki rounded on his teacher. "You were serious?!"

"I was seriously serious."

"But I'm not allowed to be here!"

Adopted: Book 1 Refracted Sand [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now