Adopted Ch. 24 Agendas

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I need time to think. I'm fine, don't come looking for me.


"Let's go after her," was Kankuro immediate reaction, antsy on his feet.

"I think we should give her space." Temari lowered the note onto the dining table, her voice and every movement sluggish with ingrained fatigue.

"She has tails on her, jan," her brother said, his pacing started to wear a trail in the floor. "This is the perfect moment, jan. They're sure to act on it, jan."

"Calm down, Kankuro." The blonde crossed her arms, closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "You're relapsing."

"They changed members abruptly after the field trip," Gaara steepled his hands in front of him pensively. "Now, there are fewer but more skilled ones trailing her. It was a precaution, they're being cautious. They won't be taking any risks."

"So, what?" Kankuro finally took a seat. "We just leave her?"

"For now." The redhead's hands collapsed into each other into a more casual position on the table.

Kankuro twiddled his thumbs. "Okay... Okay. Then let's talk about you, Temari."

Temari didn't move but she could feel Kankuro's gaze burn into her skin. Her lips twitched. Always worrying.

"Listen to this," she spread her arms, her head still tilted back. "This will make you bust a gut."

Her brothers stared at her; they couldn't have looked more blasé.

"Me. Kazekage." She pointed at herself. "Laughable, isn't it?"

Kankuro straightened in his seat. "They approached you already?"

"I'm surprised they waited this long. I came of age a while ago."

"You didn't get into any trouble, did you?" Gaara asked.

Temari finally opened her eyes, looking straight up at the ceiling. "They threatened me with Suzume."

"Huh?!" Kankuro snarled, snapping to attention.

Gaara assumed a grave face. "It was inevitable."

Temari pulled herself up and released her pigtails to let her hair fall free to her shoulders. "And I saw Baki right after, like he flew there just to rub it into my face."

"I should've stayed behind with you." Kankuro stood up again, too restless to sit still.

"All they want is a figurehead." She rubbed the crook of her neck. "Too bad none of us really fit the mold."

Kankuro cracked a sour smirk. "And after all that effort to raise us appropriately, am I right?"

Temari snickered under her breath.

"Temari." She looked up to Gaara's fixed and sincere gaze. "The position would've gone to the firstborn. I'm sorry you have to give up your birthright for my sake."

"By all means, take it! It's all yours!" Temari grinned. "I should be thanking you for taking it off my hands. I feel liberated."

They shared an understanding before Gaara redirected the conversation. "The politics will be commencing soon. We need to settle the current situation as much as possible, enough that we won't be attacked on two fronts."

"It depends on Suzume," Kankuro interjected. "We should take her opinion into account."

"And if she wants to leave?" Temari hoped Kankuro had the answer.

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