Adopted Ch. 16 Tangles

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Suzume was out on the field that day and she was guarding the huge goal behind her. The sixth years held no restraint as they sent ball after ball hurtling towards her in air ripping speed. Kankuro had to watch as his sister got assaulted by leather clad comets while the other teachers turned a blind eye. He shook in rage when he finally got a glimpse of blood snake down Suzume's head. His hands curled into fists when she kept getting to her feet even when her whole body was quivering in pain. He finally lost it when a soccer ball hit her right in the gut and sent her flying backwards.

Kankuro jumped onto his feet, intending to rush over there and protect his sister from any further harm, however, someone beat him to it. He couldn't believe his eyes when a girl left the group of little shits to go help Suzume up.

He saw his little sister smile appreciatively as the girl checked over her injuries. One of the students threw an insult at them but the unknown girl bit back harshly with a mouth a sailor would be proud of. Suzume held her back as the girl tried to go at them.

Kankuro met Temari's eyes from across the stadium and exchanged relieved looks.

All Suzume would talk about was Shiro. Things she talked about with Shiro, what Shiro did the other day, how Shiro was cool and confident and everything Suzume wanted to be.

They were convinced they didn't need to worry about the bullying and a weight was lifted off the shinobi's shoulders. Temari could focus on her private project and planning her lectures and classes to her heart's content. Kankuro led the team that was in charge of spreading the telephone lines throughout the village and it was going by faster than he thought it would.

Gaara wasn't as relaxed.

Kankuro noticed how his brother was walking around like he was always on alert and his immediate thought was: another assassin? Since the Raid on Konoha, only two assassins were sent after Gaara and Gaara captured them without killing and ever since, there hasn't been any action taken for another attempt. Kankuro was immediately irked at the thought of the council members still refusing to give Gaara a chance even after everything that's happened.

Kankuro was more aware of Gaara and his surroundings and for some reason, while he was watching over Gaara, Gaara was watching over Suzume.

No. It couldn't be.

One night, Kankuro was heading upstairs for a drink of water when he heard something sneaking around in the kitchen. Hisoka must've slipped in through the window or something... Kankuro's mouth creased into a frown and the hand that was scratching his stomach froze. Hisoka was dead.

He rushed into the kitchen and pounced onto the stranger. A little squeak of surprise and then a grunt and Kankuro had to stare down at Suzume for thirty seconds before he realized it was her.

He jumped off and quickly pocketed his kunai. He let out apology after apology, making sure the cut he made on her throat wasn't deep. Suzume told him it was okay and she was the one who was comforting him when it should've been the other way around.

She cleaned up the mess that her broken glass cup made when Kankuro attacked and Kankuro couldn't miss the bruises on her skin and the bandages wrapped around her hands.

"Have you been training?" Kankuro saw her seize up. "It isn't your sleepless week."

"No, it isn't," she threw away the last piece of glass and got to her feet.

"Suzume," Kankuro said sternly. "You need to rest."

"I will."

"You're a horrible liar."

Suzume opened up the cabinet that stashed the trash can and stuffed the plastic bag filled with glass into it before shutting the door again. She whispered without looking at him, "I will when I deserve it."

Adopted: Book 1 Refracted Sand [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now