Adopted Ch. 44 Stay Between Them

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The new team was waiting out in the training grounds for their Jonin captain. Under a break of tradition, their immediate conference the day after the test was pushed back a week and Ritsu knew who was to blame.

It was dark in the early morning and Suzume was sleeping as she stood upright, teetering on her feet. Her teammates were staring at her bedhead masterpiece.

"Lettuce," Ritsu deadpanned.

Akira's snort broke the tepid atmosphere and he laughed until tears came out of his eyes. Ritsu grinned, bolstered at his reaction. "Right, right? That's what she looks like right?"

Akira shoved him playfully. "You don't need to say it out loud!"

It was then when Baki arrived and Suzume was stirred from her sleep to see the boys hunched over in laughter while Baki tried really hard not to stare at her hair.

They settled themselves under a tarp setup for shade over the picnic table they sat around, the three Genin sitting across from Baki who stayed on his feet.

Baki gestured to his most experienced student. "Ritsu, how about you give us the usual spiel."

"Yes, sir." Ritsu popped up to his feet to look down on his teammates. "As a shinobi, we're giving up our lives for the village and considered adults and are unrestricted unlike normal kids our age. So, you're given certain rights, such as drinking, gambling, and the right to attend parlors. But there's unwritten rules to this. If you do drink, you can never be caught drunk in public. That's why shinobi usually drink at home or in private. Participation in gambling can only be done within our fellow shinobi. And parlors. Just don't. It's in name only. Violation of any rules will result in the termination of your title and license and prohibit you from ever becoming a shinobi again in your lifetime. These entitlements differ from each village so don't assume you have a right to them when you're in a foreign land."

"Very well said." Baki took over as Ritsu returned to his spot. "There are certain roles select teams are placed in. Special Operations, Tracking and Locating, Infiltration, etc. These teams often work with each other and while you're in training you'll learn to work with every combination. But just because you'll be specialized in one area doesn't mean you shouldn't be proficient in others. You are a Special Operations team. "

Out of the corner of her eye, Suzume saw Ritsu mouthing out Baki's words.

"In the beginning of your training, we will work from D-rank missions up to B-rank. Once we reach B-rank, we will start cooperating with other teams until A-rank.

"There will be some missions where we will work alone and-- if I approve or by a Council member's request- one of you will be assigned a solo mission, but that's extremely rare.

"The money you earn is yours to spend and starting now you will receive pension. You and your family have educational benefits as well as free health and dental care and they will continue receiving such benefits as well as fiscal compensation if you are to die in action.

"You have a select number of paid vacation days as well as paid sick days which you'll probably use when you're recuperating in the hospital after a difficult mission. It's generally looked down upon when a Genin takes vacation unless they have a good reason, therefore, do not take vacation days.

"Once you're ready, you will work with foreign shinobi. When that moment comes, be respectful, if you can't be respectful don't say anything. Failure on these missions will create a stain on your reputation and the village's. And above all else, do not be the reason a war breaks out. If such a thing happens, the village has every right to cast you aside if they deem it necessary. At this point, who has questions?"

Adopted: Book 1 Refracted Sand [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now