Chapter 50

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songs for this chapter:

(I know I’ve never done this, but if it’s something you guys like, please comment and let me know and I’ll make it a regular thing with the sequel!)

Beautiful Day - Marie & the redCat

Without You - Lana Del Rey

Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros


I’m honestly worried about Louis. He always seems to be questioning my feelings for him and I can’t imagine why on earth he would do that. I know I’m fucked things up in the recent past, but we’ve been stronger than ever in the past few months. If I could say anything positive about the shit I put Louis through, it would be that it’s made us a little more serious. I suppose I can only speak for myself, but I think we have both grown up in the past year.

So, why is he always trying to get me to confirm my love for him as if he’s insecure? Not that I mind.

“Harry, are you ready? We can’t miss the ferry, love.”

I nod to myself in the mirror as I put away our last minute items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair wax, and a comb.

“Yeah, I’m coming.”

This little getaway was more than perfect, but it was definitely short lived. I want to pause time and stay here in this quaint cabin with my perfect boyfriend, and only un-pause life when we miss the lads or our family. Or singing. I know I’d miss performing. But, if I had to, would I give it up for Louis? In a heartbeat.

“Babe! We won’t be able to grab food on the way if you don’t-“

I round the corner of the doorway and toss the small bag of items onto the bed near the suitcase.

“I’m ready.”

I grin kindly and walk over to kiss Louis gently on the forehead.

“Since when are you the one in a rush to get going? I’m usually dragging your ass around from one place to the next.”

He flushes and scurries over to the bed, placing the last few things into the suitcase before zipping it.

“I just don’t want miss the ferry so we aren’t late for dinner with the boys.”

Dinner with the boys? That’s news to me, but it’s possible that he told me and I just wasn’t paying attention.

“I’m not sure I like this new punctual, organized Louis.”

I wrap my arms around his waist and press my hips against his bum so he can feel the semi I haven’t been able to shake all morning. I suppose that’s what happens when you wake up next to a greek god who won’t let you touch him in the shower because he’s suddenly on a schedule. 

“Get used to it, Hazza. I’m a new man.”

He tries to wiggle away, but I hold him there and ruffle my nose in his long, wispy hair.

“You’re keeping something from me, more like. C’mon, Lou. Why can’t we stay a little longer? It’s so beautiful here, and I haven’t had nearly enough alone time with you in this big, comfy, secluded bed.”

He chuckles and I loosen my grip so that he can turn to face me.

“Harry, our bed is secluded too.”

“Not like this. There’s no one for miles.”

I trail soft kisses down his neck and feel him shiver under my touch, but he quickly pulls away and finishes zipping the suitcase.

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