Chapter 14

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Saying goodbye to Harry last week was the hardest thing I've ever done. Him being around the corner for two days made it that much harder, but we haven't seen each other at all after he left our hotel that day. Now he's in London again, pretending to be happy as he takes Cara everywhere he goes so that it seems like they are inseparable. Her contract is signed and she's in it for the long-haul which is one more thing in the way of Harry and I being openly together. I miss him so much and I can't wait to go home in two weeks, but even then, it'll be hard to be alone.


When Cara and I got home last week, we went straight to Modest's offices so that she could sign her binding contract. It felt wrong. Like a sham marriage. It was the same really; we signed papers saying that we would 'be together' and thankfully there was no 'forever' attached to it. Jason yelled at me, but that was really it for now. Cara and I are supposed to spend every waking moment with each other, as if it was love at first sight or something. They want us to be inseparable, which really sucks for us both. Cara has a life and so do I and honestly, she's great, but I  can't stand being around her for more than a few hours. She's the kind of girl who's personality you would put up with because she's a model. But, I'm not attracted to her, so it makes things that much worse. She even has to spend the night sometimes so that pictures of her walking out of my apartment early in the morning could plaster front page news. Thankfully, I have a guest room, because it would kill me to let her sleep in my bed. The bed that Louis belongs in.

I miss Louis so incredibly much. He gets back in two weeks, but what difference does it make? I know exactly what's going to happen. Management is going to tell us to stay away from each other during interviews and performances. They're going to tell us to not see each other unless the rest of the guys are present. They're going to literally rip us apart and not give a shit about how we feel. Today, I woke up feeling more lonely than ever, rolling over to the side that he usually sleeps on and hugging his pillow. I hate sleeping alone; I just want Louis to come home. I force myself to get up and take a shower. Once I'm under the running water, I think about what would happen if Lou were here. He'd kiss my neck and play with my hair; probably stand on his toes to push his hips into mine- and I'm hard. I decide that since he won't be back for a while, I'll just have to pleasure myself. I think back to the time we made love at my mum's.


"Shhhh, Lou, be quiet. I think I hear someone."

We both get silent immediately, hiding under my covers a little. I know I have to tell my family about Louis eventually, but for now, they think we're only mates. When the heavy footsteps pass, Louis rolls over onto me again, making me giggle into his neck. I feel so happy when I'm with Louis. Just cuddling with him makes any bad day forgettable. So, being intimate makes it that much better. Neither one of us are wearing shirts, laying in my room in only pajama pants. I run my hands down his back, starting at his neck and ending at his bum. I slip my hands into his pants and squeeze him playfully.

"Oh, and I thought you were against fucking me here."

"I... I was."

I changed my mind the second Louis walked into my room twenty minutes ago. He chuckles and leans down to start kissing my neck. It feels so right to be here with him. I didn't really think it would, but it feels like we're just a normal couple when we're here. Laying in my old bedroom, it feels like we were never on the X-factor and met at school or something. It feels natural. I pull him closer to me and kiss him and he moans into my mouth as I bring my hips up to meet his.

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