Chapter 41

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The bathroom is empty besides the two of us and there’s only one stall other than the one Harry has locked himself into. I knock lightly for the fifth time, but all I hear is sniffling.

“Alright, I guess we’re having a conversation through the door then.”

Harry says nothing and I lean against the side of the stall near the sink.

“Can you tell me what happened, Hazz?”

“I’m sure Louis has already told some bullshit story that makes him look like a hero.”

He isn’t far off, but Louis didn’t tell us much of a story.

“He actually left. He was pretty upset too.”

“Why should he be upset?”

I can sense the unnerving coolness in his tone.

“Because you’re upset and he loves you.”

“He’s the reason I’m upset! He doesn’t get to play innocent here.”

I take a silent breath, not wanting to put out an air of insensitivity.

“Just tell me what happened, please.”

I hear Harry’s boots scuff along the tile as he stands in the stall.

“We had lunch with my dad yesterday. I’ve been so against telling him about Louis and I for so long and I finally just decided it had to be done. Well, it didn’t go well. It actually went worse than I even expected...”

I can piece the rest together. Louis took things into his own hands, trying to make it all better. God, he’s an idiot sometimes, but I know what he was thinking. I would have done the same thing in the heat of the moment. I continue to listen to Harry babble on about how he and Louis spent a romantic day together that I don’t care to hear about in detail.

“... and then, when I was asleep, he took my phone and found out where my dad was staying! He went over there without me having the slightest idea, Zayn! He wasn’t even going to tell me! If my dad hadn’t texted me and asked to hang out, I wouldn’t have noticed that Louis was keeping something from me! He had that stupid look on his face-“

“Wait. It went well, then? Your dad came around a bit, yeah?”

“That isn’t the point, Zayn! The point is that he went behind my back and met with my own father! He tried to fight my battles for me and I don’t need that. I’m fully capable of dealing with this shit.”

At that, Harry unlocks the stall and steps out. His eyes are red and glazed over from crying, but his expression was laced with anger.

“It isn’t okay for him to treat me like a helpless child, Zayn.”

He stands a few feet away from me and I close the gap, patting him on the shoulder while waiting for his eyes to meet mine.

“Harry, I get that that’s how you feel, okay? I understand why you’re upset and all, but you have to give him a break,“ Harry starts to cut me off, but I raise a calm hand to stop him. “Listen, I know how you feel, but I also get how Louis is feeling so hear me out.”

Harry nods and rubs his eyes with both of his palms before listening intently.

“Lou has been watching you fight with yourself over this dilemma for years now. I remember when it all started. You guys had already told your mums and he figured you wanted to tell your dad. You’ve always been afraid. I can imagine he was thrilled that you finally felt like your relationship was at a point that your father should know about it. You know this, Harry, but Louis isn’t keen to commitment. Before you, he wanted nothing to do with it in the long term. You guys have been through so much together, so now he probably feels like he’s trying so hard to protect you from any further harm and you’re just pushing him away. I understand that that’s not your intention, but it’s how he’s going to see it. He didn’t want anything but to help you. He loves you so incredibly much, Harry. I mean it. He never stops talking about you, whether you’re here or not. Don’t let this come between you guys, especially when it ended up working in your favor.”

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