So cold

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All night Natsu and the other dragon slayers searched for Y/N and Sting. No one had any luck with tracking their scents. Natsu began to worry more and more, thinking of the worst scenario. He imagined Sting beating his sister and possibly killing her.

"-Salamander." Gajeel shook Natsu for the fourth time, Natsu finally snapped out of it and looked at Gajeel.

"We'll find her, stop worrying." Gajeel said

"Wait guys I'm picking up a scent!" Rogue said

"Thank god!" Natsu sighed in relief, whipping off the sweat from his face with his scarf. He didn't sleep at all the night before since he was searching for Y/N. He had never been so worried in his life.

"So where are they?" Cobra asked, scratching his head

"They're in the east forest." Rogue said

"Wait are they at my house?" Natsu asked, fire spitting out of his mouth in fury 'THEY BETTER NOT HAVE DONE IT IN THE HOUSE!'

"Most likely." Rogue responded 

With Sting & Y/N

Sting woke up, his arm asleep from Y/N laying on it. He yawned loudly, attempting to stretch both his arms out. The movement caused Y/N to wake up as well.

"Morning sunshine." Sting said enthusiastically, kissing Y/N on her cheek. Y/N smiled and yawned lightly.

"How the hell can you get up so early?" Y/N asked, rubbing her eyes as Sting sat up

"Trust me I used to sleep very late but I had to start waking up early because of my guild master job." Sting said, smiling at her as he went to go get breakfast.

"Wait." Y/N said, Sting stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at her.

Y/N yawned again and reached her arms out to him, "Come back to bed, Sting. I'm still tired."

Sting grinned and with no hesitation, he jumped back on the bed and wrapped his arms around the H/C girl. He showered her cheeks in kisses.

"Stoop." Y/N said playfully and pinched his cheek, Sting chuckled and threw the covers over them to get them comfortable. Eventually the two fell back asleep.

Y/N smiled slightly in her sleep as she dreamt that Sting asked her to marry him. She shouted yes as she cried and hugged him. He laughed in complete happiness as he hugged back. Sting kissed her softly and pulled away. 'Y/N, I love y-'

"STING YOU BASTARD YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING IT WITH MY SISTER!" Natsu shouted on the top of his lungs as he kicked down the door to Y/N's room, interrupting her dream.

"Natsu what the hell!" Y/N shouted , Sting woke up from the sudden noise and tiredly looked at the fire dragon slayer.

"What's going on in here?" A tired Happy asked, flying into the room

"Sting what the hell did you do to my sister?!" Natsu asked, getting in Sting's face

"What? What do you mean what did I do?" Sting asked

A tick mark formed on Natsu's forehead, "You know what you did! You fucked my sister!"

"Natsu!" Y/N yelped in embarrassment

"Even if I did so what?" Sting asked

"You could have hurt her or worse, KILLED her!" Natsu yelled "I don't care if you were able to control your inner dragon! I told you to stay away from my sister! And you couldn't do that! Y/N is never allowed to see you ever again!"

"Natsu that's not fair I wanted it to! You can't just forbid me to see him!" Y/N said

"Get out." Natsu growled, looking at Sting and ignoring what Y/N said

"See you around." Sting said to Y/N before exiting out the window. Tears formed in Y/N's eyes as she looked at her big brother.

"Why do you have to be like this Natsu?! He didn't do anything wrong!" Y/N said as she whipped her own tears

"Y/N he could have killed you! I'm doing this because I love and care about you!" Natsu said

"If you really did you would respect my feelings too! I love Sting! Why do you have to be so cold Natsu?!" Y/N shouted

"I'm just trying to protect you. If I find out that you left your room, you're never leaving this house again." Natsu said, exiting the room, Happy following behind him before slamming the door harshly. Y/N felt her tears fall out of her eyes even more, they stung her eyes as they fell out. She curled up in a ball on her bed, sobbing loudly.

"I hate him I hate him!" Y/N whisper shouted to herself, hitting her mattress

Natsu who was listening outside of the door felt pain in his heart. His face saddened as he held back his tears. 'This is for her own good.' Natsu thought to himself as he started to walk away from the door to her room.

"Hey Natsu.." Happy said, Natsu didn't say anything but turned to face his blue companion

"I think you should apologize. You were a little mean back there." Happy said with full honesty before taking off to his room.

Natsu clenched his fists, 'I wasn't being mean I was just being a brother!' He insisted to himself

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