Interview with @Iliveformusic13

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1. What's your name?


2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started to write to vent almost 2 years ago

3. Which books are you currently writing?

Random Things and Here's To You

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

Old and unnoticed

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

Lily-rain = wattpad.

REAL = Rick Riordan

Lois Lowry

Veronica Roth

6. What's your favorite story?

The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

To get noticed

8. How old are you?


9. Favorite color?


10. Favorite song?

All Over Again-Jackie Boyz

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

House of Hades

12. Do you like in America or somewhere else?


13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Mentally dating one. Theo James

14. Favorite movie?


15. Favorite show?

Modern Family

16. Genres? Topics?

Werewolf, Mythology

17. Anything else?


18. What inspired you to write?

The anxiety the idiots at my school were giving me

19. Any advice?

None that I can think of right now

20. Do you wish to be published?


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