Interview with @LemonNavyBlue

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1. What's your name?


2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing because it was a passion of mine since before I could remember and about my whole life but I really started to focus on my writing  about 3 years back

3. Which books are you currently writing?

Gave it All Away and Behind Them

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?


5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

I dunno really so far it’s @claireroughfield ,she’s awesome

6. What's your favorite story?

a Unique kind of Love

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

I just wanted my 5 minutes of fame  :D

8. How old are you?

..Well,’s a secret

9. Favorite color?


10. Favorite song?

Grace Kelly

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy

12. Do you like in America or somewhere else?

Somewhere else

13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Mentally-Dating 5 Celebraties Reality-Single

14. Favorite movie?

P.s I love you

15. Favorite show?

Lie to me,Criminal Minds

16. Genres? Topics?

Funny,romance,teen fiction-I don’t really stay on topic for long so I guess everything and anything

17. Anything else?

Oreos..what can I say Oreos are amazing …and they’re awesome ..okay enough about  Oreos stay awesome  all of you lovely people

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