Interview with @snickersneebee

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1. What's your name?

I go by Snicker. Snicker Sneebee. It’s some silly name I happened upon on a crazy name generator online once. I use it for everything. E-mails. Screen names. And now it’s my pen name for Wattpad. Silly? Yes. Fitting? You bet.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

There isn’t a time I remember NOT writing. Since I could put a pencil to paper I’ve always been making up little stories here and there. It wasn’t until I was twelve that I started writing a novel series, and even since then my reasons for writing have not changed. I can control my own world—make it as intricate or simple as I want it. Total escapism.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

‘The Duplicate’ is my current project. Lately, I’ve also been brainstorming (which pretty much counts as mental writing) a sequel to ‘The Duplicate’, as well as a possible "prequel"…


4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

I’m definitely not famous. And I am too proud to call myself completely unnoticed. I’m kinda one of those people lost in between the two. Neither old enough to have a billion followers, nor new enough to have to ask how to post a story. I’m just kind of… here. Quite content, but still striving forward.

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

Sticking to published authors, I’d have to say Stephen King and Dean Koontz. No matter what those two write, I love it. Here on Wattpad, StarlightNight13, Nicole13Marie13, Maramockingjay, That_girl017—only to name a few of the FANTASTIC writers on here I’ve come to love.

6. What's your favorite story?

If you forced me to choose… ‘Above Or Below’ by StarlightNight13. I followed the story since Chapter 1, waiting eagerly for each update. I bonded with it. It’s finished now, with a sequel in the making. I love this Sci-Fi, Adventure series to death, and StarlightNight13 is an amazing writer, with awesome, awesome talent for storytelling.

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

I’ve never been interviewed before!! It’s an exciting opportunity to just… talk about myself. Yay!!

8. How old are you?

The big 2-1 is coming up in July. Not as exciting as isn’t made out to be.

9. Favorite color?

Orange. At least today. Sometimes yellow. Sometimes purple.

(A/N: How many people like orange?!)

10. Favorite song?

Recently, I’ve been obsessed about a song called ‘The Time to Run’ by Dexter Britain. Instrumental, of course. That’s pretty much all I listen to. I found the song last night, and I haven’t been able to stop listening to it.

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

Hands down, ‘The Road of the Dead’ by Kevin Brooks. It comes to mind instantly. The characters, the plot, the style—everything has stuck with me since I read it in middle school. And to this day, it is still one of my favorites. I’ve only read it about a thousand times.

12. Do you live in America or somewhere else?

I am an American. Born and raised. Born in New Mexico. Spent three years in England. Came back to the states to live in North Carolina. Then became a Floridian. Converted to a Georgian. And soon I’ll be moving to Tennessee.

13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Single. And proud of it!! (In all honesty, I am mentally dating my own fictitious character…)

(A/N: Who isn't?)

14. Favorite movie?

Currently, ‘Minority Report’. It’s a great movie, and every time I watch it, it makes me want to write.

15. Favorite show?

I don’t watch T.V… I mean it. I really don’t. At all. I do play video games though. (I will KICK YOUR BUTT in Black Ops 2 Zombies.) And I watch YouTube way too much. (Pewdiepie takes up most of my time.)

16. Genres? Topics?

Sci-fi is my new founded favorite genre. I love fantasy. And I enjoy a good romance mix into a good storyline. That goes for books and movies. I am a debater, as well as a conversationalist, so my favorite topics range all over the place. Politics, religion, space, time, morals, biology, history—I can go on for days. There not much I don’t like to discuss or read or watch.

17. Anything else?

Food. Peanut Butter. Cheesecake. I’ve never tried the two together. I’m scared to. I might explode. Car. Mazda Miata—because I have one. I drive it like a mini racecar, slinging it around every curve and popping my convertible top down any chance I get.

18. What inspired you to write?

Speaking specifically about ‘The Duplicate’, I was inspired by a Human Biology course I took for college. During a class discussion, my instructor told us scientists have actually thought off cloning humans and keeping them brain dead in order to use them for organ transplants. We got into a discussion about whether this was moral or not, and he asked us, (in his awesome Columbian accent), "What if a clone was made? Would that clone have human rights?" And right then, I stopped listening to the ongoing discussion, because my mind was reeling with ideas for a story.

19. Any advice?

NEVER put aluminum foil in the microwave!! …Oh. You mean about writing? Right. Don’t limit yourself. Be different. Break some rules. Write some fragments. Experiment. Have some fun trying to find your style. And don’t take every criticism to heart. Take what you need from critics, and don’t be afraid to THROW OUT whatever you disagree with.

20. Do you wish to be published?

Yes. Very much so. And I am thankful for all the support my readers have shown me, because each comment, every vote and read, has me believing more and more that I can do this. :)

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