Chapter 13: The Brood

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It took a long time before either of us made a move.

The pit had transformed itself by now from something dangerous to something entirely revolting. It took great effort for me not to vomit all over the place. 

The stench of dead vampire filled the pit, and it clung to everything. I was covered in vile and putrid vampire flesh from head to toe. Even my hair was caked in vampire blood. Each step I took was a slippery one. It was impressive how Stephan maintained his poise throughout.

At least I could see.  This time around there was more than enough light now, for me to see my surroundings..

The trapdoor had been left open, and the darkness that consumed me before was no longer a stifling presence.

Still, Stephan was unnerving. I looked at his graying hair and distinguished features. A rather prominent hawk-eyed nose stood out amidst intense-looking gray eyes. It was hard to tell what the man was thinking. I might have been imagining it, but I felt like I detected just the slightest hint of a smile from the man. 

“Tell me at least, what I came here for,” I said.

Stephan chuckled at that and shook his head. “Oh, I aim to fulfill my end of the bargain, Death Angel.”  He raised a finger at me. “But not a second before I get what I want.”

I stared at him coolly for a few moments before speaking.

Yes, that’s right. Rattle him, Vanessa. Don’t get sucked into his rhythm.

“What is it that you want?” I asked in a neutral tone, hoping that he wouldn’t notice the trepidation in my voice. 

The slime dripped from my clothing as the stench continued to grow to unbearable proportions. My scythe glowed brightly at this point, having gorged itself on vampire souls. The nausea had returned too. It exacerbated the situation. Being sick was one thing, but being sick amidst a sea of smelly and disgusting decapitated vampire refuse was another thing entirely.

“Fight me,” Stephan said simply.

“Why should I fight you?” I demanded. I grew tired of the games.

“You have no choice. I can give you what you seek, Death Angel, but not until I am satisfied.”

“Fine,” I said. “Do your worst.”

There it was again, just the faintest hint of a smile on Stephan’s lips. He looked down on me the way a grown man looked upon a child. His towering frame an imposing presence.

I had barely blinked, when I realized Stephan had moved behind me. I hadn’t even noticed the movement. He had his hand on my neck.

He was fast.

Brutally fast. 

“I could have snapped your neck right now, Death Angel,” he said, “had I wanted to. It appears you are not taking me seriously.” 

I searched my mind for a way out of this. I had to do it, I realized. I had to invoke the Nether Void a second time. Stephan moved far too quickly for me to even deal with him. I would need to slow him down.

Stephan ran his hands through my hair. “It’s such a shame, that we left you in such a state, Death Angel. Your consort,” he stopped to pause for effect. “Your consort would certainly not have appreciated your current condition.”

He was referring to Daniel of course. Dammit. Daniel was in danger now that the Vampires knew about his association to me.

“Activate,” I said, as I brandished my Scythe in front of Stephan. But the tall vampire was nowhere to be found.

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