Loosen The Reigns

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         The deep blue sky roared as the thunder storm increased it's wrath. "What a terrible time we choose to travel in. Make sure Princess Josephine is sleeping soundly. I don't want her walking around this distraught ship and getting hurt," Princess Elizabeth ordered one of her ladies. She and her household had been traveling for years it seemed from France to English soil. Elizabeth was in quite the rush to return home as word reached her that King George, her brother, was planning to execute their father's bastard. 

        Lizzie was all for naming Edward, the unlawful son of her father because in truth that what was, but she did not wish for her brothers to kill one another. She could since her mother's family all over this scandal. No doubt, Anne Boleyn's family had a good grip on England's young king. George listened to their mother like a hawk, always taking orders without questions. Elizabeth shook her head at the thought of how she use to blindly follow their mother's orders as well, but to admit it the truth, she was growing tired of the classic Boleyn manipulation. 

    When Elizabeth landed in England she would be sure to loosen the reign her mother has over her brother. George was growing into a man and it's about time he began to act like one. "My lady princess, we have arrived in Dover. "Perfect have the servants begin loading our things onto the carriage and then we'' be off to Dover Castle. Bring my daughter to me as well," Elizabeth commanded. Princess Josephine of France held her sleepy head high as she walked with the hand of her caretaker. "C'mon my darling, we have arrive in England and soon we shall be off to court. First we rest at Dover Castle then we'll see your uncle and grandmother." 


Later on at Court....

King George rubbed his face in irritation. He never thought it would come down to him or his brother. Edward was told to travel straight to court instead he set out on a royal English ship to Rome. Luckily, he did not get very far before the royal guards caught him. Now refusing to talk, the King's brother sat in a dusty cell, awaiting trial- not that he'd get one. The English crown no longer answered to Rome, making the place itself an enemy of the English. Edward Tudor was caught a ship to conspire against his-its high treason. 

"Who knows what he would have done if the guards hadn't invaded the ship in time. You'd be at war with your own brother. Hie beheading is for the best," Anne attempted to assure he son as they stared down at the unsigned death warrant. "If I sign mother that's it- i'll kill my brother. The only brother I have left. I knew that Edward would eventually die, but not this way not by my own hand. Clouds of doubt began to surround the King's mind. "Maybe I should pardon him, show that I am a merciful King not an unjust King," George suggested as he pushed the death warrant away from him. Anne hushed him," He isn't your brother he is your rival and all rivals must be dealt with. Once he is dead and you have a son, your reign will be secure my precious son..my only son. Don't let your weakness cloud your judgement. This must be done. Today. Now." Anne pressured. 

George wanted to open his mouth to plead his brother's case. Say he meant no harm, but he knew that his mother was right. She's always right. Sooner or later Edward would need to be put to death- why wait. George picked up his quill and prepared to sign his name on the name ans seal it with the royal seal, but was prompted to stop by the ringing out of the royal trumpets. Right after his chamber man came in and chanted out "Their Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth of England and France & Princess Josephine of France". Anne stood straight as George rose from his eat to greet his sister and niece. "Lizzie you've arrived finally..and you've brought my beautiful french tulip as well," George cheered as he hugged them both. 

Elizabeth was shocked to see the change in her mother since the last time they spoke. Age was taking a toll and that much was obvious, but still those dark eyed hooks pieced into her own. "Mother." Elizabeth greeted not moving as she could tell her presence was not welcome at the very moment. "Am I interrupting something?" Lizzie observed as her eyes fell onto her brother's desk. She could see the death warrant in full view, "So you have decided to murder our brother, George? Such a shame how you let mother command you around." 

George groaned as he went back to his seat. "If you have traveled all this way to argue on Edward's behalf we've wasted your time. He's been caught in the act of sailing to Rome- to my enemy...our enemy," George huffed. Elizabeth smirked, "he could have been seeking refuge away from our dearest mother and yourself- does that make him a criminal. He is our brother- you can't him. " Anne rolled her eyes at her daughter's ignorance, "Lizzie, Edward is going to die. One way or another he will die. The only question that remains is when," Edward spoke. 

Princess Josephine wished to cry as she heard them speak about killing her uncle. "You cannot kill him, He loves you. He's your brother." Josephine cried into her mother's skirts. "Is this how the regal french princess acts in her father's court? I hear she is raised at your side instead in her own household. She'll be weak if you continue to coddle her," Anne snapped at daughter who hissed in response as she held her child. "Do not give me parental advice mother, you are trying to destroy our family. Even if Edward was trying seek the help of Rome, he wouldn't need to if he was treated correctly before hand!" Elizabeth shouted. 

Her response ensued an entire fight to break out. Everyone found themselves shouting while Princess Josephine cried into he mother's shoulder. The only thing to stop the chaos was the alarm sound ringing outside of the privy chamber. Soon enough a guard ran into the room. "Your graces, Edward Fitzroy has escaped his cell, but he hasn't left England. He is believed to be somewhere in the palace armed with one of men's armor, helmet, and sword," The guard shouted. "We must take the King the a safe haven until the matter is solved. The Royal ladies will be taken to another location in England for their safety. You all must gather into the carriages that have been prepared, " He continued. 

"No. We will remain with the King," Anne declared. George and Elizabeth nodded in agreement. "Sir, take my daughter to the Queen's rooms in the towers. Have her guarded and send my ladies with her," Elizabeth said handing over a panicked Josephine. "We remain here until that bastard is found, dead or alive," George screamed angrily. Edward Tudor would die at the hands of his brother if George found him, "I am coming along. Lock my mother and sister inside here, "George ordered. Everyone looked at the young king, surprised by his demeanor. " I said lock them in here. I will help find my brother and when the time comes I will be the one to kill him. No one threatens my family and survives- no one!" 

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