No Longer Your Papa

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Mary found herself gazing out from the window at her 'family'. The feast was in a few hours and she had yet to even speak with her father. Anne welcomed her back to court, but her father did not seemed too pleased with her arrival. "Why does he hate me?" Mary asked herself. 

Her thoughts were stopped by the sound of her ladies moving her new clothes around. Anne had them made for her. She demanded that she wear one tonight. Mary did not expect for Anne to have such a warm welcome, but again Mary was wrong. 

Her problem with her stepmother seemed no not exist in Anne's mind, which was fine with Mary. If Anne wished to be civil, as a lady Mary would do so. Her father did not seem keen on helping her cause, no one here at court did. Everyone enjoyed the celebrations, rumor had it the Queen was pregnant again which was a good thing. No that Anne needed anymore children. Her brothers seemed to be strong and going nowhere and Mary could not remember the last time Elizabeth was sick. 

Anne had given birth to healthy heirs and Mary's father no longer needed her. He had his new jewel and his male heir and a spare. She was no longer his pearl, nor his only child. The people love their princes and princess. Her mother never existed as far as England was concerned. 

Mary sighed. She wasn't needed her as Henry Tudor's heir nor his daughter. he wouldn't pull her into a hug and tell her he missed her. He didn't, he forgot her. She didn't exist and Mary hated the feeling of knowing no one loved her anymore. 

She might be the daughter of the King, but he wasn't her papa. Her was her King and she was his bastard daughter, never meant to rule. Little Edward would be the titled, loved bastard and Mary would be the black sheep of the royal family. 

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