Let The Games Begin

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Anne watched as her daughter graced the steps of the French boat. Elizabeth waved to her parents with tears in her eyes as her governess guided her inside the large ship. "She'll be safe now. My demons won't follow her to France, they'll wait for her to return," Henry assured his crying wife who was laying on his shoulder. "My son. My daughter. I only have two left Henry. Who else do you wish to take?" Anne cried. Jane watched from the wit the glint in her eyes.

Though Anne had finally stopped crying for the dead prince, she was terrible company to keep. The King always came to her looking for a smiling face after comforting his wife. She was holding onto her position very well, her family was locked with the Queen's in amount of power. And she just as much control as a crowned princess of England would. Now that the Princess Elizabeth was leaving, Jane would be the third Lady at court-second to only Princess Bella and Anne herself. With Anne always locked away in her rooms and Bella at Hatfield, Jane knew she would rule the court in full force now.

"Come Jane, the ship has left. Did you not see or are you in you're own time again," Henry laughed as he grabbed her hand, guiding her back to the palace. The Queen already left, leaving the the couple to enter the throne room together. Anne was too tired to fight off the attention Jane was given. After so many years she accepted the fact that Jane was a part of Henry's life and Anne could care less. Jane sat in Anne's throne as usual when Anne wasn't there. The entire court was surprised the first time, but now they accepted her true form- Anne's Usurper. "My love, lead the dance. I love to watch you dance," Henry commanded. Jane got up and accepted the hand of the first courtier in line.

Jane glanced to her side as the music began, only to Lord James Herbert as her partner. "Hello your grace," James greeted smirking at his former fiance. "James. I am addressed as mistress or Lady. I have no claim to the title of your grace," Jane correctly as they kept dancing. The tension between them was rising each time their hands touched and soon Jane found it hard to focus. In the corner of her eye she could see Henry glaring at James. "The King does not allow for the men of his court to talk while you dance. Henry fears losing you. Does he know who I am?" James wondered. Jane's head shot to him , she lost her focus and missed stepped, resulting in everyone messing up and someone's foot tripping her into James arms before she could hit the ground.

They stared into each other's eyes once more. "Lord James, Jane Seymour is the property of the crown. She isn't to be touched by the hands of you," Henry shouted as stopped the music. Jane quickly moved onto her feet. "Henry we - " "you were nothing Jane. You look tired go to your chambers and rest. Stay there until tomorrow morning we will speak then,"Henry intruded. Everyone's eyes feel to Jane as she knelt to the King, pleading for forgiveness. Every man knew the protocol when Anne and Jane touched the dance floor. You may dance, but not speak. The women belonged to the crown, not them. Why James would try to do something like that was unknown to the speaker of the eye.

Jane shivered as she made her way to her chambers across from the King's rooms. She had no doubt that he was going to punish her for James' actions. Henry followed suit as Jane rested her head, "You belong to me-and me alone. If you wish to act as a whore then do it away from presence and away from my court. I'm sending you to France to serve the new Queen, perhaps a month or so will get you thinking correctly.

(A/N: Sorry about the wait I had a family problem that needed to be handled but here is this chapter. Someone wished for Jane to leave, and I can agree she needs to go her character is boring me so I'll find some new material.)

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