Before The Feast: Henry and Edward

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The children arrived safely at court and the proceedings began as they were introduced to the court. "Make Way for Princess Elizabeth Tudor, The Princess Royal. Make way for the Prince of Wales and Duke of York. Make way for Lord Edward Fitzroy." The herald chanted.

As my children came along I could see Anne observed Edward carefully. The children did their formal introductions and lizzie, george, and harry all took their seats on their miniature thrones. Edward held his bow until I guided the one year up. He looked frighten and called out for his mother, causing the entire court to awe.

Anne held her breath as Jane stepped to sooth her son, only to be stopped by the royal guards. "Edward you must behave yourself. Now go step next to your stepmother while the procession continue, " I ordered him. "Yes papa." He moved to the side of Anne's throne and stood there.

I glanced at my other children to see their reactions. Elizabeth appeared unfazed by the drama unfolding while the twins giggled at their younger brother causing me to smile. I faced the court, "Now everyone please welcome my daughter the Lady Mary Tudor."

The entire court, excluding my family bowed and curtseyed as Mary walked into the room wearing a very simple black gown and no jewels. She looked older than she truly was and poorer than she was raised. "Lady Mary welcome to Hampton court. I hope you have been treated fairly well and that your stay has left you with no troubles." Anne cheered and then motioned for the court to applaud as Mary kept her shallow curtsey.

"Surely you may rise Mary. So young yet you fail to actually appear your age," l joked along side the court.

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