Jaykit's Young Kithood

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       "Jaykit, go clean the elder's den or something, you aren't any fun." Rockkit smugly said to his younger brother, lashing his tail. Jaykit sighed, and a flick of the ear was his only response. "You deaf or something? Get out!" Jaykit rolled his eyes and left his angry brother to be with his littermates. Waterkit stuck out her tongue as he left and he felt his ears burning with embarressment that he gave up. He had to, He told himself, or Rockkit would have hurt him. He just sighed.

       "Kits, time to eat." Foxcall told each one of her three beloved kits. Jaykit was often ignored, and he didn't mind not being in the spotlight, unlike his brothers and sister. "Jaykit, you too." Foxcall said reluctantly. Any cat could see it. Foxcall wasn't caring of him and it showed. Jaykit's ribs could be seen from his littermates pushing him away from the milk he needed. Jaykit came over, and gulped as he saw something glint in his sister's eyes. He ignored it and nursed till he was full, then sat back.

          "Stupid runt." Jaykit heard Rockkit say bluntly about him. The fur along his spine bristled slightly and he tensed, ready to fight. Then he heard the only kind voice in his life say something.

          "Rockkit, Ashcherry needs you to help her with a tick." Shadowmoon said from behind Jaykit. Rockkit groaned and heaved himself up and padded over to the elders' den. On his way, he murmured a quick, 'You mean nothing.' to Jaykit. It didn't matter, Rockkit had done that enough to make it routine.

          "Hello, Shadowmoon." Jaykit greeted her, tail flicking and a pleasant expression placed lightly on his face.

          "Was he hurting you again?" Shadowmoon asked, worry lit in her eyes. Jaykit, after a brief moment of silence, nodded sharply. "His words don't mean a thing, remember that. You are special and you will maybe save the clan when you're grown.

         "I know." Jaykit said with a slight smile, "I guess I need someone to tell me that." Shadowmoon hid something in her eyes and Jaykit knew it. He decided not to try to probe into her mind, and he yawned and curled up in his nest. He had his own nest, whereas his mother and siblings had one together. He never understood why they hated him, but he never saw the look of slight fear in their eyes. All he knew is that they hated him, and Shadowmoon was his only friend.

          Friend was a word foriegn to him at the time, and no cat explained it to him. So he was raised that way. No love except for from a cat who wasn't even his mother, or a brother, or a sister, or even his father! He only knew what enemy meant, and that his family was his enemies.

          Jaykit set a goal for himself then, Lead DawnClan to being the best clan, was his goal. And eventually, he would. But in a different way then he had expected.

I'm posting a longer chapter on Sunday, and the apprentice ceremony, btw.

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