See Through The Jay's Eyes

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"StormClan! Attack!" their leader shrieked, sending foward fleets of warriors.

"DawnClan! Attack!" Another leader called, before leaping into the fight with his swarm of warriors.

"LoveClan!" A female voice rung, followed closely by another wave of warriors, "Forward!" The swarms of warriors ran for a clearing in the mist of a forest. Then, the clans attacked, sending the single clan into shambles. StormClan defeated the warriors of the north side, DawnClan stormed them on the south. LoveClan invaded and fought for true glory.

"WillowClan!" A single voice rose, "Escape!" the voice's owner soon turned tail and ran, many cats following. The seemingly ruthless DawnClan warriors took their lives, while StormClan stalled them.

The winning allies rejoiced in their victory, and relief spread throughout the united three clans. A silverish blue tom heaved himself up, blood running down from a gash on his leg. The tom dipped his head to two other cats, one midnight black tom, one pure white she-cat.

"Loststar, Lightstar, we have been victorious." The tom meowed, his voice husky and deep, "I hope we become allies."

"Us also, Mintstar." The she-cat, Loststar, replied with a flick of her white tail-tip. Lightstar nodded in reply also.

"DawnClan, we will return to our camp." Mintstar told his warriors, summoning them to him. They eventually all came, and they headed back. He glanced over at his medicine cat, a midnight black she-cat named Shadowmoon, who had been uncharacteristicly quiet. Shadowmoon mouthed something to Mintstar and he drifted over to her.

"There has been a prophecy." Shadowmoon whispered, and once nobody was listening but Mintstar, she continued, "There will be four kits. Through the jay's eyes, pain and suffering will be healed." Shadowmoon blinked her amber eyes and looked to her leader. "Odd, isn't this one."

Mintstar sent a silent prayer to StarClan, knowing that this new battle would be horrible.

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