Welcome to Detention

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Walking through the halls of yet another school. Being a military family has been full of changing schools. But mom says that this is the last time we move. After my dad passed away, we were all torn apart. We moved one last time for ourselves, to start new. This is where we were going to settle down, or so says mom. Every school is the same, you have your classic food chain of students. And apparently, being the new girl puts you on the bottom. And crossing the wrong people could get you in detention, mainly because the teacher believed that you were the one to throw the pencil at the back of his head, and not the jock that actually threw it meaning to hit you.

I like the halls better this way, empty. I walk into the room and down some stairs to see a mess of students causing havoc. Also, six students talking in a group with eachother, ignoring the rest of the room. Funny thing, I know exactly who they are. But I found out because I got lucky and saw blue ranger morph. I laugh to myself, what an odd bunch of people. I'm pulled from my thoughts by someone bumping into me, causing me to drop my sketchpad and pencils.

"Watch where you're going!"

I look at him with my signature glare, "My bad man," I pick up my stuff and dust off my white jacket. I try to walk to an empty seat, but he grabs my shoulder, "Oh no. Not yet, you owe me an apology."

Kim stands up to intervene, but stops when I speak up, "Take your filthy hand off me... please."

He grips tighter, "No."

I was hoping he'd say that. I grip his wrist then with my free hand, I grip his shirt and lift him up and pin him to the ground. I hear silence and Trini's stifled laughter. But, me having the luck I do, the teacher comes in.

"Ms. Y/L/N!"

I stand up straight and dust off the hand print on my jacket. Well, that's going to stain. I pick my stuff up, yet again, then find an open seat and sit down. I ignore the teacher go on about policies and open my sketch book. I see a yellow sweatshirt next to me and I know it's Trini. About ten minutes in, she slides me a piece of paper. I set my dark sketch pencil down and open the note.

I really like your sketch, a lot different than what most people would be sketching around here. Oh! I'm Trini by the way. 

I quickly reply.

Y/N. New around here, but I'm sure you know that. It seems to be the talk around here.

We kept passing notes for a while. Suddenly I see Kim whip a note from the corner of my eye and out of reflex, I grab it, before it gets to Trini. I instantly notice 6 pairs of eyes on me. And I realized what I did. I just give a shy smile and hand it to Trin, "This is, um, for you."

She doesn't say anything, just takes it. I get up and start to head out.

"Hey, Y/N! It's not time to leave," the teacher yells at me.

"Yeah, well, fuck this anyways."

I just continue to head out, hoping the others don't follow. What a day. Maybe I should just tell them. It might be easier. No. I have to see if they're trustworthy first. 


I turn and see Trin, "What are-wait. Are you following me?"

"Well, y- doesn't matter. What happened back there? Are you ok?"

I take a breath, "Trinity. I'm fine. Just leave me be, please."


"Trini, no."

I ran and hid away. I catch my breath, and clutch onto my white coin. Not yet, Y/N, not yet.

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