Happy 18th BIRTHDAY!!!

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Bonus chapter. Does not relate to story.

Just a short little thing to celebrate are fav twins 18th birthday!

The sun shone brightly through the triangular window into the attic, right onto a certain brunette boy's face. He slowly fluttered his eyes open ready for a new day. Not before someone tackled him.
"DIPDOP! TODAY'S THE DAY!" The elder screeched, glitter falling everywhere. She continued to jump up and down on the bed.
"Alright, alright. Sheesh. I'm up already." The boy replied slightly annoyed but still smiled. Over the years, she didn't change a thing. Still as bubbly, cheerful and full of glitter. Today was their 18th Birthday and he was afraid to find out what would happen. Memories of their previous birthdays played out in his min until he shook them away. No. Today will be a good day...and even if it's not, for Mabel, I'll keep smiling.
So after his overexcited twin ran out of the room, Dipper made his way over to his closet. Picking out a pair of dark blue jeans, clean underwear, a red tank top and a black hoodie, he went to take a shower.

Feeling the hot water run down his bare back, relaxing, he began to hum a tune.

"Are you worth your weight in gold,
Cause you're behind my eyelids when I'm all alone.

He started of quiet but as the song continued, he sang louder, getting lost in the song.

Hey stranger, I want ya
To catch me like a cold.
You and God both got the guns,
And when you shoot,
I think I'd die.

Lifting his left hand and placing it on his damp forehead, posing like he had just died a dramatic death.

I led the revolution in my bedroom
And I set all the zippers free.

He kept singing not noticing another presence in the room, too caught up in singing.

We said, 'No more war! No more clothes! Give me peace! Oh kiss me!'

Just as he finished the line, taking a deep breath to move onto the next part, a strong hand turned him around and a pair of soft lips were pressed against his.
With wide eyes, he stared at the blonde man in front. Shock, confusion and fear evident in his eyes, he would've pushed this stranger away, if he didn't just forget what he was thinking and slowly gave in to the temptation telling him to kiss back and enjoy. His eyes slowly began to close until the other...taller man pressed his tongue against Dipper's lips asking for entrance. Shocked, realisation hitting, he pushed the stranger away. Out of breath from the intimate moment they just shared, the brunette attempted to cover himself, cheeks turning crimson. He would've screamed if this stranger didn't look so damn hot. At a loss for words, still embarrassed at how much he loved the kiss, he glared at the other who now had a smug grin. The smaller of the two, finally realising, got even more embarrassed at the naked, perfect body that stood in front of him.
"W-wh-...who-" he attempted to say but the other man beat him to it. "I'm hurt. You don't recognise me? Well, this is a fairly new upgrade." The stranger pointed to his entire being. He's voice smooth, yet husky, slightly high, yet low.
Puzzled, the younger raised a brow now looking at the man trying to recognise him.
Wild blonde hair on one half, and dark, short and brown on the other. His left eye a swirly  mix of sapphire, cyan and violet and his right a light brown which seemed to glow a light gold.
He didn't need to look any further (not that he dared) to know that this god-like human before him, was none other than Bill Cipher.

Bill FUÇKING Cipher.

They were both naked, wet and still slightly out of breath. (AN: sorry XD I had to)
Bill was glaring like a starved wolf and Dipper...well, by the colour of his entire face, ears and neck, he might as well be Little Red Riding Hood.
That's not all. That, THAT just now, was his first kiss.

Dipper still speechless, stared confused at why Bill of all creatures was here in his shower, butt naked, and had kissed him. WHILST IN THE SHOWER, NAKED.

"W-...why..." He finally managed to stutter out, raised his right hand to his quivering lips, having an internal-mental-breakdown.
"It's your birthday, kid. Lighten up. That's what you wanted from me. As your present. Isn't it? You were singing about it." Innocently smiling, he ruffled Dipper soaked hair. "Well, I'll...uhh...go then?" A light shade of baby pink dusted the demons cheeks.

"Happy 18th...my Pinetree." He sang, then disappeared in a burst of yellow flash.

You beautiful hoomans deserved this! Yes! I'm talking to you, wonderful marshmatatoes.

This is NOT part of the STORY!

Just in case you forgot or didn't read the bit at the top.
This is just a presie from me to y'all for the Twins 18th Birthday.
(Even though there wasn't much of Mabel...sowwy 😅

Who else partied like there's no tomorrow? Raise your hands!

No one? Just me?
I'll go then :,(


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