Prologue-Chapter 3

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WARNING!!! Slight feels ahead!
-<Narrator's POV>-

She stared in disbelief at what her Gruncles just told her.
"He's..." Her breathing picked up the pace, her vision became blurred with the tears forming in her eyes. "That can't be true." She whispered. "You're lying." Silent sobs escaped her trembling lips.
"No! You're lying." She interrupted Stanford with her shouts and slapped his hand away. He wanted to comfort his niece. He couldn't stand to see her cry. No one could. She got up, ignoring the pain spreading all over her body, she didn't care for the wires, or her Gruncles pleas. She wanted her brother, her twin, her other half. Looking over him, he looked like he was sleeping (if you take away all the wires, needles, machines that kept him alive and the pained look on his face. She lay there next to him with her hands around his head.
"Dippy..." She sobbed. "Wakey wakey sleeping beauty." She tried to force a smile and joke but reality hurts. The tears kept running down her cheeks without an end to them in sight.
They tried to pry her away but she wouldn't have it. Her sobs filled the room, she wouldn't let go. Ever. She can't lose him.

~~~Lv wkh pbvwhub wzlqv wlph ryhv?~~~

Mabel eventually cried herself to sleep next to her unconscious twin and Stanley could finally move her back to her own respectful bed. They were then asked to leave them to rest so they headed back to the shack with a great burden growing on their backs. Pain and grief. She reacted so bad to her twin being in a coma. When she finds out her parents...she'll be broken.

~~~Zkdw kdsshqhg wr tkhlu sduhqwv?~~~

A mini filler follow up-ish chapter? Don't hate me. This first three chapters where supposed to be like a prologue like thing anyways. I made it three 'cos I couldn't miss those cliffhangers. I'm sorry. #Cliffhangers4Life
Btw, from here on, it'll be the proper main story. So keep an eye out for updates.
Bai, my marshmallows!

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