Main-Chapter 1

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-<Narrator's POV>-

It has been a week since the incident. The Pines twins were on their way to the hospital. Still worried but glad at the same time. Their niece was in a perfectly healthy condition and was allowed to go home with them. They've already set everything up for the mystery twins' return. Even if it was only one of them coming home for now. An abrupt squeal sounded from the back waking both men from their zoned out stance. Waddles was going with them to get Mabel.
Once they've arrived, Stan picked up the pig and they made their way into the hospital. They were stopped at the reception and were told they can't bring animals in here but that didn't stop them. This was a reunion. Today will be a happy day.
They won. The pig went with them. Of course when they got to room sw204, they were greeted with a high pitched squeal.
"Waddles!" She jumped out of her bed and hugged the pig that struggled out of Gruncle Stan's arms. The two men laughed in delight at the happiness their niece was showing.
"Are you ready to go sweetheart?" Ford asked with a smile.
"I got my things ready. Just gotta do something before we leave." She replied with a relaxed but sad smile. She made her way past her Gruncles to her brother's side, leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his birthmark.
"I have to go now Dippy. I'll see you later...Goodbye, brobro." With her blessing whispered and done, she picked up her pet pig, and left with her Gruncles. When she got to the door, she took a quick glance at her brother and followed the older twins.
What none of them noticed though, was Dipper's birthmark, that started glowing when his sister whispered those last words. Goodbye, brobro.

~~~D jrrgebh...iruhyhu shukdsv?~~~

Once they arrived at the mystery shack, the girl hopped out from the backseat of Stan's truck and galloped to the front door with waddles still in her arms.

-<Mabel's POV>-

When I got to the front door, Gruncle Ford was already standing there, but before he opened it, he gave me a smile and asked me to close my eyes. So I did. I could hear the door squeak open and I was gently pushed in to the shack. There were whispers going around but I couldn't make out any of them.
"Open them." I heard Gruncle Stan say and when I blinked my eyes open to see all my friends stand there wearing party hats. Party poppers went off and as happy tears fell from my eyes, they all crowded around me in worry and asking if I was alright.
"Yes. I'm just so happy." I replied between sobs as I showed them a big smile. I noticed a figure in the back but he was gone after a blink. Who was that? Is my mind playing tricks on me? I choose to ignore it for now and just enjoyed the company of those around me.

~~~Glg brx irujhw ph douhdgb?...Vkrrwlqj Vwdu~~~

After the party, everybody left except for Gruncle Stan, Gruncle Ford, Candy and Grenda. They're staying for a sleepover.
"I'll go ask DipDop if h-" I was reminded of what happened to Dipper and my mood dropped like glitter from a cliff. The girls noticed my change in mood and immediately declared a braid train. Which got a giggle out of me. Tonight will be fun...I just wish Dipper was better already.

~~~Timeskip to next day because there hasn't been one for ages~~~

The sun shone through the window of the attic and the birds were tweeting outside happily. I slowly sat up on my bed to find Candy with lipstick smudged on her cheeks and Grenda on the floor cuddling Waddles who was covered in glitter. I giggled and decided to wake the girls up for breakfast.
Once they were both up and we were all dressed for the day, we made our way down to find Gruncle Stan in the kitchen and Great uncle Ford reading the newspaper whilst sipping on a cup of coffee. Gruncle Stan noticed us first.
"Oh, good morning girls. How was the sleepover?" He asked. We all sat down at the table.
"That's confidential, Gruncle Stan." I replied with a serious look that turned into a wide smile. I can't be serious. Bloop. The girls shared a hum in agreement and we laughed.
Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford seemed relieved and smiled back at me. Gruncle Stan handed us some Stan-cakes and we gobbled down our breakfast.

~~~Another small timeskip~~~

After Candy and Grenda left, I asked Gruncle Stan if we could go visit Dipper. He gave me a nervous smile and looked at me worried.
"What if he's already awake and I'm not there?" I pleaded with my puppy eyes. He eventually gave in but still looked worried.
"Alright, we'll go at 2. Okay?" I gasped and ran off.
"I'll make him the sparkliest card ever. That'll wake him up!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs.
I got under my bed and dragged out a box covered in sticker. They're so puffy. I laughed at it and then opened it to reveal a dozen different colours of glitter, paper, stickers, glue, crayons, pencils and felt tip pens and started on my master piece.

~~~Brx vklqh wrr euljkw...kxuwv pb hbh~~~

I skipped down the gloomy pale corridors of the hospital with the card in my hands. He's gonna love it. He's gonna b-
"Mabel...sweetheart, now I know you want your brother to be awake and do we...but just, don't get your hopes up." Gruncle Ford said, nervously holding my shoulder as he explained that Dipper might not be awake yet. I tried not to think too hard on it and looked on the bright side of things. At least he has a good chance of waking up.

~~~Zh'oo vhh...brx pljkw kdyh mlqahg lw.~~~

Once the door was open, I ran in excited to see if my brother was awake...but he wasn't. He was in the same position as he was when I left him yesterday. I glanced at him disappointed for a second but that changed in a heart beat.

So...this and the next two/three chapters will be of how Mabel gets on with her new life.
The codes used may or may not be clues to future events. I didn't say that MUHAHAHA
Anyways, this was the longest chapter so far. Over 1000 words. Whoop.
Expect the chapters to be getting longer as the story progresses.
I'll see y'all in the next chapter, my marshmallows. Bai~

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