Main-Chapter 11

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Hello again! Btw, that's how Bill looks like in this book.

So Bill has recovered pretty fast with Dippers nursing and it was now the weekend. Mabel's been planning the welcome party for Bill in her spare time and has been getting Dipper out of the house to go on monster hunts, save Lazy Susan's pie from Jeff the gnome...twice and even managed to get him to hang out with Pacifica, Candy, Grenda and herself at McGucket's mansion for a little robot building class which then ended up with them watching a movie. In the meantime, Bill was forced to stay in the shack and help Stan and Soos with any shack work (or the occasional experimenting with Ford who kept his promise with Dipper and didn't make the demon suffer...that much).
"Can I go now, Sixer? Your pointless nagging is hurting my human head. I feel like my fleshy arms are going to fall off. Can humans do that?" Whined Bill after 6 hours of putting up with Ford bossing him around.
"Fine. I'm sure Stanley needs you to clean up the shack anyways." And with a wave of his six-fingered hand, he dismissed Bill. The demon lazily retreated up the steps and out the wending machine to find the place completely silent. Stan counting money in his office, Soos closing up the shack with Melody and the twins nowhere to be found.
"Yo, Question Mark. Where's Pinetree and Shooting Star?" Getting Soos' attention, the hamster like human who picked up his truck keys.
"The little dudes went monster hunting, Mr Triangle sir." and with that Soos left with his girlfriend to go out for their date night.

Two hours went by and it was almost dark out but the twins haven't returned yet. Stan appeared asking where the kids were.
"They're out monster hunting and they're not back yet." Bill tried to hide his worry but it was clear to the elder man. They're pretty much the same in these sort of situations. With a worried but sympathetic thought, Stan threw a jacket at the blonde.
"Well, then we'd better go look for them." This surprised Bill, seeing as he wasn't allowed out the shack before but took the opportunity and dashed out the door and into the forest. Stan being left behind, shouting and chuckling for the demon to slow down.
"Wait up, you triangle. I'm pushing 70 over here." Bill came to a sudden stop and turned back sweat dropping with a slight smile on his face.
"Sorry, old man." And snickered.
"Who you calling old man?" And they laughed it off.

Half an hour later and they were still looking for the twins. More worried than before, they began shouting their names.
"Can't you like use your magic fire power thing to find them or something."
"I'm in a human form. If I used too much power, it would disrupt the balance you weak flesh bags live in and could melt together with alternate existences." Bill replied, only half paying attention to Stan. "I tried before and it caused me to almost pass out and all I tried to do was summon a small flames to melt the handcuffs." Fully explained, they continued searching but not for long.
Mabel jumped out of the bushes and tackled Stan who ended up falling over with the force. Soon Dipper appeared lot less aggressive and told his sister to get up.
"Where have you two been?" Said the elder and the blonde in unison which got the female to burst out laughing. They even had the same angry and worried look on their faces.
"Pff. Calm down. We just went to look for a cave." Came Dippers relaxed answer. Bill visually checked over Dipper then Mabel for any signs of injury. Though he would never let anyone know. I don't care about these puny meatsacks. He thought.

~~~Nhhs whoolqj brxuvhoi wkdw~~~

On the way back to the shack, Mabel and Stan went ahead to avoid the argument the two behind them seemed to keep going at. Bill was not pleased at having to go out at this hour to look for the pair when they decided not to return home before sundown. Thought it was clear to the elder man at the front that he was just worried about their safety.
Dipper argued back that they were safe and if something did happen, he could fight it and get them both back to safety.
"The woods are extremely dangerous during the night. I know what lurks in these shadows." Argued Bill.
"And that's why I have a gun with me." Defended Dipper. Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy. "What? Great uncle Ford gave it to me." and they all groaned in annoyance.
"Give me the gun, kid. I'm gonna have to talk with Ford when we get back. Handing a gun to a 13 year old." Stan scoffed and began mumbling swear words under his breath.
"Anyways, that gun isn't going to save you from everything. There are things out here that you can't even begin to imagine." Continued Bill after the gun was handed to Stan.
"But look! You're outside. You should be thanking me for staying out. You got to leave the shack. Or do you want to be locked inside?" Dipper pointed out.

~~~Glg kh gr wklv iru ph?~~~

That's where the argument ended and no one said anything until they were safely inside the mystery shack.
Ford stood in the kitchen waiting for them. This was the start of another argument.
Where were they
Why was Bill let outside
Why were they all outside at this hour
What's wrong with giving a gun to a 13 year old
Why are they making him the bad guy when Bill is demon
And while Dipper tried to reason to some of those questions, Bill would just grab him and Mabel and after having to listen to the elder twins argue, they were led upstairs to the attic by the demon.
Mabel was crying, upset because everyone seemed to be arguing today. Dipper went to comfort her while Bill sat in the corner giving the twins some space. After 2am, the arguing ended and Bill looked around the dark room, only half awake. Mabel fell asleep in Dipper's arms and the demon began to wonder, was Pinetree's embrace that comforting?

~~~Zloo L hyhu nqrz?~~~

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