Main-Chapter 2

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-<Mabel's POV>-

I stared shocked. He...
"...moved." I whispered.
"What did you say, pumpkin?" Gruncle Stan asked. I couldn't help but smile. He followed my gaze and gasped. Dipper moved. He had his arm stretched towards me and his head turned our way. Without another thought I rushed over to him.
"Dipper? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" Hiding my excitement was pointless. The nurse in the room, rushed to us and checked over Dipper.
"This is the first time he moved." She said. My eyes twinkled with joy and I couldn't help but smile. I was here to see him move for the first time since the accident. Mom and dad missed it. I thought for a second...but dismissed it.

~~~ Zkhuh frxog wkhb eh?~~~

We stayed for 3 hours, but he still didn't wake and he didn't move again either but I was still glad we went when we did. I'd be happier if he would've woken up but I'll take what I can get for now.
When we got home, we had dinner and played for a bit. We all got distracted by Ducktective though. We fell asleep in the living room whilst watching it.

~~~Timeskip to next day~~~

The shack was filled with costumers, Wendy was at the cash register, Soos was restocking a few shelves, Gruncle Stan was giving a tour. Everything seemed normal...but of course, it wasn't.
"Mabel dude, smile. Here come Mr Pines." Soos informed me and I smiled wild and threw some glitter up in the air when the tourists got to me.
"...And here is the one and only Mabel Pines. Always cheerful and her smile shines like the sun. She can make anything look irresistible with a simple touch-" for effect I grabbed a hat off of a costumer close to me and covered it in beads and sparkly sequins within half a minute. They all stared in awe as Gruncle Stan continued to talk about how fabulous I am. Once I was done, I handed the hat back to the costumer and he smiled in satisfaction.
"...but be careful and treat her with care, or she'll hypnotise you with her beauty and drown you in glitter. You'll forever be trapped in her heart." He emphasised the last sentence and did his Jazz hands, scaring the costumers a little. I giggled at his silliness and the people were awestruck. There was a boy there staring at me with hearts in his eyes. Gruncle Stan noticed.
"He's been mesmerised by her heavenly giggle." He pointed to the boy, who then blushed in embarrassment. The costumers believed everything Gruncle Stan said and gasped in surprise and amusement.
When they moved to the next attraction, Gruncle Stan stayed behind for a second.
"You did great, sweetheart." He complimented and smiled at me before he moved to catch up with the tourists.

~~~Timeskip brought to you by the Mabelised hat worn by that random costumer~~~

Today was busy. I dropped on the armchair in front of the tv, feeling a bit exhausted. The shack closed 10 minutes ago but we all helped clean up a bit so I didn't get a chance to sit down yet. We'll be going to visit Dipper after dinner. I could hear a muffled conversation from the kitchen, so I got up and stuck my head through the doorway. Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford were there talking about something. They noticed me immediately and stopped their chattering.
"What's going on?" I wondered.
"Come. Sit down sweetheart." Instructed Gruncle Ford and I did as I was told. I wonder what this is about. I gasped as a thought popped into my head.
"Did the hospital call? Is Dipper awake?" I jumped on my seat in hope but they just sat, relaxing on their own chairs. They glanced at each other for a second before Gruncle Stan started.
"You know how you're living here now..."
"And you're still young." Finished Gruncle Ford. I nodded in response. What where they getting to?
"I thi-...we believe, that, if you're feeling ready for it, of course...that..." Gruncle Ford struggled to talk.
"Just say it." I said gently then smiled at them. They took a deep breath at the same time. It was funny.
"If you're ready, then maybe...we coul-" Gruncle Stan interrupted and said it himself.
"We could register you into school." He rushed the sentence and it took me a minute to register his words in my brain. School?
"You don't ha-"
"Here? In Gravity Falls?" I interrupted in my excitement. The smile on my face was unmissable and they both let out a sight of relief.
"Yes. You'd be attending Gravity Falls High." Said Gruncle Ford with a warm smile.
"Oh my glitter! OhMyGlitter! I gotta tell Candy and Grenda." I squealed in excitement and ran off to call them.

~~~Wklv skrxog eh lqwhuhvwlqj~~~

I sat down next to Dipper's body and stroked my hand over his birthmark. I wish you'd wake up.
"Gruncle Stan and Great uncle Ford are gonna register me into Gravity Falls High." I told him. Silence followed. "When you wake up, we can go together. We'll be Highschool students for real." I smiled excited but still. His reply was silence. I hung my head low and shut my eyes. "I wish you'd wake up already and we could start Highschool together." A tear dropped from my clenched eyes as I whispered those words. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I opened my eyes and saw a tear roll down Dipper's cheek.

~~~Lv wkdw klv whdu gurs?~~~

Don't wanna spoil anything for you guys, but "Big things are coming." XD
Idk...maybe...maybe not...probably?
I'd love to know what you all think so far.
So please vote and comment, marshmallows.
Also, who wants to know what's going on in Dipper's head?
Thank chu :3

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