Chapter 25- Of all the coffee shops in Malibu

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Of all the coffee shops in Malibu

So you might be thinking now that I've gotten the guy I have a crush on everything is now fun and games, I spend everyday eating crackers and making love- okay you probably weren't thinking that, hell, it probably didn't even cross your mind but either way, let me tell you, its nothing like that not at all

MJ and I have absolutely nothing in common, how can I date someone I have nothing in common with? He loves horror movies I love romantic comedies, he's an outdoorsy person am an indoor person (to hell with nature I enjoy it very well from NatGeo Wild thank you very much), he loves to exercise, walking half a mile to school every morning is enough exercise, he loves tea (can you imagine) I love coffee, he's aquaphobic I love all water sports

So dating MJ Emerald isn't all suntanning and eating oysters especially now that I have to convert him.

On a happier note though, mum and Dorian are on a weeklong trip to Bali for their honeymoon so I've officially moved to the residence of one doctor Dorian Hamilton and that, trust me is all fun and games. Lucas and I have been staying alone these last two days I've been trying to convince him to host a party but nooo, he's too much of a goody too shoes to agree but that's just as well I wouldn't know what to do anyway

Hey, don't go thinking living with Luke is all easy too because I said its all fun and games. The guy has been on my case on the state of my room (which thankfully is not pink, more like green) granted I've only been there for a week (mum made sure I was settled before going with Dorian) but there's order in the disarray I mean, how was I supposed to know I have a cute blue top that totally goes with my favourite pair of jeans if its not staring at me on my study table? Jeez

But not to worry, its been nice having a younger brother- we both agreed that since I was born in April and he in June am of course older.
What was I saying? Oh yes, its been nice having a 'younger' brother we even had a sleepover last week but that took a lot of effort because Luke refused to enter my room (the pretentious noob said its worse than a pig sty. Like please) and he absolutely refused to let me eat in his room. Ugh

Wow, this looks more like a rant. Am glad I got that off my chest.

"No matter how many cups of coffee I drink, I still won't like it" MJ said irritatingly still driving though

"That's because you haven't tasted the chocolate creme brulee flavoured coffee" I answered back dreamily almost tasting it on my lips

"Heh, with a name like its probably too sweet"

"It is but you'd like it"

"I won't but if it will make you stop nagging, I'll try it" he said looking for a parking spot

"Hey, I don't nag" I replied slapping his arm just as he parked

I pulled MJ towards the coffee shop simply named The Coffee Shop (original right?) I basically found this place by serendipity

Ha, serendipity I like saying that, makes me feel like I know more than I do.

"I'll order for us" I said to MJ after breathing in the coffee smell I swear am like a junkie

"Sure sure" he replied already fiddling with his phone

A waiter came over to us in an instant and I ordered the chocolate creme brulee flavoured coffee coffee for MJ and a hazelnut flavoured coffee for myself

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