Chapter 17- Casper the Friendly Ghost

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Picture is MJ

Casper the Friendly Ghost

After Lucas' drunken confessions last night, I started paying close attention to him and Klaus whenever they are together but its certain Lucas has a future in theater if he looks for it cause he's acting absolutely nonchalant considering he has a crush on the guy.

Right now, we were sitting on the rug after eating cereal for breakfast. I am sitting beside MJ -who is pretty much ignoring every one

"So since we are leaving tomorrow, I was thinking maybe we could go to the..."Bella started but MJ interrupted her

"If you say lake or valley or river or pond, I will kill you" he mumbled drily

"Geez. I wanted to say....well I wanted to say lake"

"I know, I know we can tell ghost stories" Klaus shouted

"Heck no. I probably won't be able to sleep all night 'sides, ghost stories are best told at night' Lucas said groaning

"Don't worry, I'll protect you at night when the monsters come" Klaus replied ruffling Lucas' hair. I narrowed my eyes at this

"What are you thinking about?" MJ asked me quietly

"You. What else?" I replied smoothly no way am I telling him that I think my best friend is in love with his


"Well, am trying to decide the best way I can proof to you that you actually like me" I said grinning especially proud of my self when I saw MJ's face pale

"And what are your options?"

"Its down to being excessively nice to you so you will have no choice than to reciprocate or plain old seduction"

"Do you want to know what I think?"

"Yeah sure. If you will"

"I think seduction will work best"

"Really? That's what I thought also which is why I'm gonna kiss you now"

"W-what, you c-cant just say shit like that" MJ sputtered

"But why? I asked summoning my most innocent face

"Because that'll be like harassment to me since... Oof"

I shut him up by kissing him quickly on the lips but I retreated just as quickly forcing down the urge to blush.

It isn't like me to be so bold

"And that's a kiss?" MJ asked smirking raising an eyebrow

"Isn't it?"

"No sweetie. But this, this is a kiss"

And before I could blink, MJ is kissing me. At first I was surprised and just stood there frozen but I got my bearing back just as quickly kissing him back I swear I felt the clichéd fireworks and if the roof of our cabin fly off now, I'll totally understand. I moaned as MJ bit my lower lip and squeezed his shirt tighter

"Ew, get a room" Bella called out from across the room making me remember we weren't quite alone

"We weren't doing anything" I retorted as MJ and I pulled apart

"Sure you weren't" Klaus taunted in amusement only Lucas didn't see us as he is comfortably sprawled on the carpet sleeping.

"You definitely like me" I murmured to MJ softly

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