Chapter 14- OMG

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OMG!!" were the first words I woke up to this morning

"What?" I asked groggily waking up

"What is wrong with you?" MJ also asked waking up

"The two of you are so adorable" Bella gushed looking at us

I looked down at MJ and I's entwined bodies. We were practically sleeping on each other, MJ's right leg is thrown over mine and my hand is wrapped around his waist.

"Oh" I said softly immediately disentangling myself from him

"So, anyway we are going kayaking and I was wondering if you would like to come with and breakfast is served if you fancy crackers and orange juice" Bella said to us before walking out grinning to herself

"Nice work Lori" she called out

"Ugh. She'll never let me hear the end of it" I groaned getting out of the bed

"So, do you want to go kayaking?" MJ asked also getting out of the bed removing his shirt

"Can you not do that here?" I gulped blushing furiously

"Why not? Am I making you uncomfortable" he asked smugly

"Yes what with me having a crush on you and all. Am sure you wouldn't want me to eye rape you" I replied visibly checking him out giving myself a mental high five when I saw MJ turn beet red

"S-sure" he stuttered rushing towards the bathroom

I am not okay. Come to think of it, why would I be?

I am wet, I'm cold, my hair is ruined and do not get me started on my makeup. My mascara is running for Christ sakes I look a sight and my so called friends are laughing

"It is not funny" I yelled

"It kinda is. I mean the way you fell into the river is epic did anyone get it on video?" MJ asked laughing

"Shoot no one did" Luke said clutching his sides

If I was a cartoon, fume will be coming out of my ears now. I was glaring hard at Lucas and if looks could kill, Lucas will be dead now

"I'll place a hex on you all" I yelled

How can they think tricking me to fall into the river is funny? MJ lied by telling me there's a spider on my hair and in my attempts to get it off, I fell and no one bothered to give me a hand they all stood there laughing.

We were in two kayaks, Bella and I in one while Lucas and Klaus in the other MJ was sitting at the shore when he decided it was a good idea to humiliate me.

"Sorry" MJ said managing to look sorry

"Shut up you are not sorry. Am out of here" I said proceeding to make my grand exit which isn't so grand as my shoe kept making this squishing noise

I walked all the way home which wasn't a great distance after all let's just say I walked for about 30 minutes which is not okay this girl is not made for walking.

I got back to the cabin without meeting a soul which makes me wonder just how isolated this cabin is. First thing first, I went to the bathroom to clean myself filling my head with thoughts of MJ and just how I can convince him he's actually in love with me too during these remaining 4 months 1 week I have left.

I could always kill him with kindness reminding him every time how I feel about him or I could remain aloof until he realizes just how much he cares about me.

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