Chapter 21-One broken friendship and one broken heart to go please

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One broken friendship and one broken heart to go please

Graham Rogers as Nikolaus

So I took Bella's advice-I didn't want to so I took my time around to it-and told mum about my insecurities with her wedding and she suggested I spend the entire day with Dorian and Luke getting used to them as the wedding is in about three weeks.

Luke and I are in his room watching The 100. I was to spend the day with him and his dad but Dorian had an emergency surgery- he's a cardiologist.

I still haven't found a way to bring up Luke's drunken confession even though its happened weeks ago but am determined to have this talk with him today as Bella isn't here

"Soooo Luke" I drawled

"What?" He asked pausing the movie

"Do you like Klaus?"

"No, w-why will you ask that?" He replied looking everywhere but my face

"You told me Luke"

"No I didn't. When did I?"

"That time we went camping, you were drunk and you insisted on telling me your secret"

"Heh heh. I was drunk you can't hold me to that" he answered laughing nervously.

"You know what they say, drunk words sober thoughts and all"

"Hypothetically speaking, even if I do like Klaus its hopeless"

"So you do like him?"

"No I don't. Its an hypothesis"

"Good I don't want you having any designs on him"

"Why, what do you have against that?" He asked defensively

"Because, Bella called dibs on him first you should respect that"

"Well it isn't like Bella is dating him already"

"Why would you say something like that? You know how much Bella likes him, you'll be blind not to" I snapped

"Well, you like MJ so much but that doesn't mean if a girl he likes come around he won't date her"

"You are such a jerk and you know what, I hope you pine and pine after him and he doesn't give you the time of the day" I scoffed getting up

"Don't slam the door on your way out" Luke called out as I left the room

I slammed the door to show my displeasure.

My mum is running around like a headless chicken in preparations for her wedding, Bella is on a mother-daughter trip with her mum there's only one person I want to talk to now anyway

I called MJ and he answered at the third ring

"Hello you" he said

"MJ. Where are you?" I asked

"Are we allowed to be possessive now?" He asked I could just see him grinning

"I am but I don't think you've earned the right"

"Whatever you say. Am at the lake, why?"

"Do you want company?"

"Not particularly but sure come over. Wait are you offering to come, you know you are gonna hike here right?"

"I know. I just had a huge fight with Luke and I want to be with someone so I won't gorge on ice cream"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked cautiously

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