CH 6. Sawada Tsunayoshi? Vongola Decimo?

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3rd person's Pov.

When Giotto when towards the attacker, they face off with different enemies which they are surprise that there enemies are quiet strong.

Then a gun shot was made luckily for Giotto he dodge it thanks to his HI. But he was surprise about the bullet, it was not an ordinary bullet. He never see a bullet like this from anywhere else.

another gun shot was made but he dodge it again, barely since it leave a scratch in his right arm.

"Primo!" his guardians call but they did not help Primo because they have there own enemy to face on.

"Hahahah... I see that Vongola Primo is weak and pathetic.!" A guy appear while holding a gun.

Giotto went to HDWM(Hyper Dying Will Mode) and attack the guy but he was surprise that the guy was skillful.

"Who are you?" Giotto ask.

"My name is Aki Tsubaki From Nynelio  Famiglia. " The guy said.

"Nynelio Famiglia? Never heard that before." G said as he attack and summon his arrow.

" That's new." Asari said as he summon his sword and have a duel.

"Hn." Alaude said and nod as he keep on fighting.

"Well, G-san. Its because I'm from the future. And I'm here to destroy Vongola, because if Vongola was destroy now then the Neo Vongola Primo won't exist." The guy said as he fire another bullet but Giotto catch it. He was going to burn it but he was surprise.

"I told you, I'm from the future. And in the future they manage to create a bullet that is fire proof." Aki said again then he fire a gun again and this time in his other hand was a sword that was about to attack Giotto.

The fight last for half an hour which Tsuna worried. He knows this will happen since his intuition warn him but he did not listen cause he doesn't know anymore if his Intuition warn him or not due to major head ache he suffer almost a 3 months due to lack of sleep and tiredness.

So he decided to go out of the mansion and went to the battle field. He saw then that Giotto is fighting a familiar face, a face where he see before. He keep remembering when suddently the guy fire a the gun, Giotto manage to avoid the bullet but the sword was aiming for him.

Tsuna then catch the sword with his hands and look at the enemy. "We meet again Aki Tsubaki." Tsuna said ash got the sword and throw it on the ground.

The guardians were shock, specially Giotto. "Tsu-Tsuna?" Gitto said.

Aki back away. "I didn't expect to meet you here Sawada Tsunayoshi. Or should I say Vongola Decimo!" Aki said as he release a deadly killer intent ready to kill Tsuna.

"What!? Von-Vongola Decimo?" Giotto said. But as same as the guardians thought.

Tsuna then went to HWDM. "I guest, I'm not the only one who is from the future." Tsuna said.  Then Aki attack him surprisingly Tsuna dodge every attack.

Giotto was shock, Shock because Tsuna's sky flames were purer than him. "What are you doing here Aki?" Tsuna ask.

"Easy, destroy the Vongola. Because if Vongola was destroy by today then you and your guardians won't exist Therefore we Nynelio Famiglia will be the strongest Mafia Famiglia in the world." Aki said.

"Then Tsuna attack. "Pathetic. Even Vongola didn't exist in the future your Famiglia won't be the strongest. Why because Simon Famigila are also strong, Millefiore and Gesso Famiglia too. Not only the Varia's are there too. Not to mention the Giglio Nero Famiglia is there too. So either way your famiglia will never get stronger." Tsuna said as he gave a punch to Aki sent him flying hit his back in the tree.

Hearing those words The first generation were more surprise and shock but a smile escape there lips.

"Beside, The Vongola Famiglia won't be strong without the Famiglia that I mention. Because for Vongola, Family is the strongest strength that they can ever had." Tsuna said.

Giotto smile went widden as to what Tsuna said. Because Tsuna said was right, Family is the strongest strength that anyone could have.

Aki stand up." Family, Tsk how pathetic you are. But no worries, I'll make sure to destroy you Vongola Decimo and Vongola primo be ready." Aki said as he disappeared in the mist together with his men.

Then as soon as Tsuna's HDWM was off, he fell unconscious. Gladly Giotto catch him and turn his HDWM off too.

"Tsuna." He try to wake up but failed. He then notice that Tsuna is having a high fever.

"Knuckle, Tsuna is having a high fever. Very high one pls can you heal him." Giotto said.

"Yes to the EXTREME." Knuckle said. They bring Tsuna to Giotto's room where Tsuna will be safe if the other attack will done and Tsuna will be comfortable there.


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