Chapter 26

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The pressure in Nole’s chest was almost enough to make him collapse, but he maintained his composure. Executing them today? His mind was going into a panic. He was already dead set on rescuing them. Execution was not an option.

“Where?” Zane demanded.

“Wait, Zane,” Valerie ordered, “you’re not in any shape to-”

“Where?” Zane demanded through clenched teeth.

For once, Nole was actually on the same page as Zane. They’re best chance was to act fast, especially given the circumstances. Tom, however, didn’t seem to agree. He let out a nasally breathe.

“Listen, our best course of action is to plan ahead. Don’t forget that they’re after you too. Jumping the gun will only get you killed,” he reasoned patiently. Despite the logic of Tom’s argument, Zane wasn’t backing down.

“Zane,” Valerie muttered, trying to calm him down.

“I’ll go too,” Nole urged. He felt Suri grab the sleeve of his shirt in apprehension of his words. “I have to go,” he told her, gently unraveling her fingers and freeing himself from her grasp.

“I’m going alone,” Zane asserted. “I don’t need any help.”

“Apparently you do,” Nole retorted, alluding to Zane’s disheveled appearance. “If I could land a blow on you, you’re just going to be target practice for the Enforcers.”

“Zane, you’re not going alone,” Valerie argued sternly. Her sudden change in attitude actually caught Zane’s attention. “If you’re going, it won’t be until I’ve treated your injuries. And then you can go as long as Nole goes with you.” She crossed her arms and raised her shoulders so that they brushed against her blonde bob. Although the strictness was out of character, it managed to work. Zane grunted in response, which was good enough for Valerie because moments later, she rushed to grab the first aid kit from the adjacent room and began treating the cuts on Zane’s face, arms, and leg.

“You guys are serious?” Tom broke in. “Nole, I thought I told you we would help. There’s no need to go off alone.”

“If they’re being executed today, we have to act now,” Nole contended. “You take Suri and Valerie and rendezvous with us at Central Station.” Grabbing the bag of pages from the floor, Nole handed them to Suri. “Suri, these are pages from the newspapers we used to read. They’re covered with notes handwritten by Caden, so they may tell us something about why he ran off. If you see anything that rings any bells, let me know. For now, just take them and do as Valerie says, okay?”

His little sister nodded vigorously. To feel included in the plan must have been a new experience for her, because she hugged the bag tightly as if it were a newborn baby. Tom grumbled when he saw his authority wasn’t being taken seriously.

“Fine,” he relented, “but don’t do anything reckless. I’ll get everyone together and head down there as soon as I can.”

Nole nodded at the instruction and waited for Valerie to complete the first aid treatment. Once all of Zane’s wounds were bandaged, he rose to his feet and glared at Nole.

“Don’t get in my way,” he murmured. Rolling his eyes in response, Nole bit his tongue and focused on the task at hand. “Let’s go.”

Both Zane and Nole approached the glass doors, the lingering screech of Enforcer’s sirens radiating in the outside air. Nole wouldn’t allow himself to look back at them, because if he did, the thought of it possibly being the last time he’d see them would undoubtedly cross his mind. Without a second thought, they exited the complex and sprinted for Central Station.

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