Tinky Winky x reader

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  You pull up to Tinky Winky's house at 8:00pm "Right on time" you mumble to yourself.
  You look up and see Tinky Winky open the door and hop in the passengers seat.

"Wow Tink you look great"
"Haha skkdk"
You blush "Don't make that face"
"Ohhhhhhh" Tinky Winky tilts his head with a grin on his hot ass troll face
"You know Tinky Winky, I've been thinking.....maybe it's best if yo-"

  Just then Tinky Winky grabs you by your crotch and shoves you in a tight ass suit case. You couldn't move or even speak, all you could do is listen to what was happening on the outside.
  It sounded like Tinky Winky was driving the car.

  It felt like hours before the car came to a complete stop. You hear the trunk open up and then felt the suit case move and.....finally you were free.
  You hopped out and looked around and saw that you were in a forest with no one around...no one but you and Tinky Winky..."How kinky" you thought to yourself.

"What are we doing out here? And why did you shove me in a fucking small ass suit case, you fucking Donald Trump ass cake!!"
You blush even more "I-I guess that makes sense" you cross your arms and turn away from Tinky Winky.
"Jajjajaja" He touches you
"D-Don't say that out loud you...baka!" you were now wet.
Tinky Winky licks his non existent lips and whispers in your red ears "Allahu Akbar"

  Hearing those seductive words had given you an instant orgasm. You moaned as you were in ecstacy. Seeing you climax made Tinky Winky climax as well. He pounded his purple hairy chest like a gorilla and sprayed his blue whipped cream all over your cake as he hollered to the night moon "ahhaagaggagag!!"

  Note: sup I see you just read the hottest fanfiction yet fam haha *Dab* Anyways here's your gift
Just a little bit more mate
*Dab* ha gotcha bitch😂😂 love you

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