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"Excuse me, I'm sorry to intrude, is Alexander at home?" I hear the woman say, her voice getting me out of my trance.

"No, hes not." I say as kindly as possible. Her face goes from hopeful to disappointed.

"Ok. Well thank you anyway." I shut the door quickly so that she wont ask anymore questions. I couldn't stand to look at her. Her presence made my blood boil. Sure, the affair wasn't completely her fault, but she was involved. She is beautiful, definitely more than me. She has flawless skin, long, untangled, curly hair. She has an hour glass figure, large breasts (Definite

ly larger than mine) and bold red lips match her dress. She has everything I don't. It makes me wonder, why Alexander wants to get back with me? When he could have her. I shake my head and try to shake these thoughts out of my head. I look out the window and see that the woman has left. I continue to scan outside to see if Alexander is walking around, but he's not there. I start to worry more and more as time passes. After an hour, I grab my black shawl and go outside. I look both ways to decide where to go. I think about where he could be. I remember the park that Alexander and I used to go to with Phillip. I walk across the street and head down the street. Once I reach the park, I scan the park. The park is empty since it's starting to get dark out. I hear the crickets and the sound of the New York Harbor in the distance. I see him sitting with his head back. I walk over to him and see that he's asleep. I sit down gently on the bench and he sits up. He rubs his eyes and looks at me startled. 

"Eliza." He says his voice tired.

"I was worried about you, what are you doing out here?"

"Well I-" He sighs and pauses. "I might as well be honest. I went to give the last check to the woman I was..." He trails off knowing that I got the gist. "She told me that she's...pregnant...and the baby is mine." My lips part and I look away from him. I feel his eyes on me and that they are guilt ridden.


"No." I sigh. "At least you were honest with me." I say looking back at him.

"That makes a lot of sense, she showed up at our house a few hours ago." Alexander groans.

"She was looking for me wasn't she?"

I nod.

"I'm not seeing her again." He crosses his arms in front of him.

"You have too." I say. "She's pregnant, because of you. Being pregnant is scary, especially the first time. As much as I don't want you too, you need to help her. It's your duty as the baby's father." I pause. "She needs you Alex, especially considering her situation." Alexander looks at me with concerning eyes.

"But I've already hurt you once Eliza. I don't want to do it again."

"It would hurt me to know that your son or daughter isn't given proper care."

We sit in silence for a moment hearing the crickets sing and the trees sway in unison.

"Ok." He finally replies.

"Good." I say giving him a reassuring smile.

"May I ask you something?" I ask after a bit of a pause.

He nods looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Why did you want to fix things with me, when you could have her?"

"What brought up this?" He asks turning his body to face me.

"She's everything I'm not and-"

"Eliza," He says touching my cheek, making me uncomfortable yet I don't move away.

"This is going to sound cheesy, but the moment I first met you, I fell. I love you. I always have. You have a beauty no one can possess. It's a beauty that's within you and it's also on the outside too. The beauty you have spreads to everyone you know and love which is what attracted me to you."

I feel my cheeks get hot. I feel stupid for feeling flattered. But Alexander has such a way with words. This is what made me fall for him in the first place. He looks at me with his puppy dog eyes. He looks at me with such passion that makes my cheeks even hotter. He looks down at my lips and I know that I'm in trouble. He leans in to kiss me and I lean in too. But before his lips meet mine, I break out of his spell. I back away.

"I'm sorry. I..."

Alexander backs away and takes his hand off my cheek.

"No it's my fault, I was rushing you. You need time, I understand."

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and look away from him.

"Um, I'm gonna head home. I need to sleep."

"Ok. I will be home later, I need to think about things."

I nod and begin walking. My mind replays what just occured. I feel so embarassed and violated. I was so close to being able to trust him again but the baby...

As much as I tried to convince him that him helping that woman wouldn't hurt me. It does. It always will. A woman who's helpless and doesn't know any better who was affected by his mistake. A mistake that could've easily been avoided. I can't let him think I've forgiven him over such a short period of time. I know he's trying, but heart needs healing.

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