Fucking Cancer

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It's been three months since Danny and I split up and I'm starting to feel a bit more myself again. Glens still staying and helping me out with Danielle in the last few weeks I have started to feel quite close to him, but nothing could ever happen he's my ex's best friend. Danny's taken Danielle for the weekend so I am going to go out for a few drinks tonight. "Glen" I called out from the bathroom "Yeah" I heard him call back "I'm going out for a few drinks I'm going to leave my cell phone behind so I don't loose it If anything happens I'll be at Temple bar" I said to him "Ok, what time will you be home" he asked "If I'm not home by 2 am call for a search party" I said with a giggle as I started to walk out of the bathroom. Glen was standing in the hall way "Wow you look amazing" He said looking me up and down. "And you my dear friend need glasses," I said to him noticing he was frowning as I walked to the front door to leave

It was getting close to 1 am and I was feeling pretty tipsy I've had 3/4 of a bottle of Jack when I noticed Glen sit down beside me he looked really drunk which is unlike him at all "Whats up" I asked him "You" was all he said before leaning forward and falling asleep. Fuck I need help to get him home but I haven't got my phone I thought to my self. So I grabbed Glen's phone out of his pocket and called Mark to come help me. Mark arrived 15 minutes later and helped me get him home after getting him into bed "Mark" I said walking back into the living room with Mark following behind "He said I was the reason he's got so drunk, What do I do?" I asked him "Let him sober up and when you feel ready, talk to him" He replied "I could never be with him Mark he's Danny's bandmate and one of his best friends it would never work," I said to him as I finished speaking there was a loud knock on the door. I got up and answered the door It was Danny with Danielle all bundled up "What's wrong" I said sensing the panic he was in "She been throwing up and she has a fever I have no Calpol left and nowhere is open to buy any" He replied coming in as I stood aside to let him in "Put her on the couch you know where the Calpol is" I said to him nodding towards the living room and following him into the room. he put her down and went to get the Calpol and came back in and gave her some, That's when he noticed Mark was here "Why's he here at this time of the night" He asked me with a curious look on his face "He was helping me sort Glen out he was a bit too drunk for me to get him back here" I said and he nodded that's when I realised he looks absolutely shattered "You look exhausted why don't you go into the room and get some sleep and I'll take care of Danielle" I told him "You sure" he said "I haven't slept in nearly a week" he added "Why didn't you say anything when you picked Danielle up" I asked him "didn't want to let you down you had plans and it was my turn to take her" He said getting up off the couch and heading to the bedroom "I'm gonna head home" Mark said "Sweet as" I said to him "Thanks for your help" I added walking him to the front door then locking it

After grabbing a blanket and cuddling up with Danielle I must have fallen asleep cause I woke up still on the couch and Danny was standing next to me with Coffee and a very wide awake happy Danielle on his hip. "she looks better this morning" I said to Danny taking the coffee from him and putting it on the coffee table "Yeah must have just been a 24 hr virus" He replied "ARGGGGGGGG" was all we could hear coming from Glens room so I got up and made him a cup of tea and grabbed him some Advil and knocked on his door "Here take this" I said to him handing him the tea and tablets "Thanks" He said taking the tea and pills from me "How did I get home" He asked with an embarrassed look as I started to leave the room "Mark helped me get you home" I told him "we'll talk later Danny's here at the moment" I said leaving his room and closing the door. I walked back into the living room and sat down to drink my coffee. "Is" "We," Danny and I said at the same time making us both laugh "You first," I said to Danny "Is he Ok," He asked me looking concerned "Yeah just hungover" I answered "Danny we need to talk about things," I said to him "I'll ring Mark and see if him and Rina can take Danielle for a few hours so we can talk uninterrupted" I added picking up the phone to ring Mark

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