Best night ever

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Danny's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since our little angel was born, tonight I'm taking Shaylee out on her very first real date (I know shock horror) I was so surprised when she said that she had never been on a real date before, so tonight we are getting a sitter and we are going out for a picnic dinner then we are gonna have a few drinks at a club. 

It's 7 pm and the babysitters just arrived "Babe the babysitter's here are you ready to go" I call out to her "Just a second" she yells back. a few seconds later I look up and she is walking out in a gorgeous black flowy halter top with a pair of black flared jeans my jaw dropped "you might want to pick up your jaw love you'll catch flies" she cheekily said "Wow you look stunning" I said "You ready to go" I added "Yeah sure just let me kiss Danielle goodbye" She said. Once she kissed Danielle goodbye we left 

We got to the car and I opened the door for her "ever the gentleman aren't you" she said "I try" I said back with a grin on my face. we were driving for a little over half an hour when we arrived at the beach I got out and walked around the car to open her door for her "Where are we" she asked "Killiney beach" I replied, I forget she's not from Ireland. I walk around to the boot of the car and take out the picnic I had packed and the blanket as we walk across the sand and find a nice spot to setup "It really is gorgeous here" she said turning from looking over the ocean to face me "Would you like a glass of wine love" I offer her (she has already expressed enough milk for the next 2 days for baby so it is perfectly safe for her to be drinking) "Sure love" she replied. I handed her a glass of wine and got out the food for us to eat "I still can't believe this is your first date" I said to her "yeah well that's what happens when you choose the wrong person, that's one of the reasons why I am so cautious now" she replied "What do you mean if you don't mind me asking" I asked her "every relationship I have been in has either been mentally or physically abusive or he has cheated on me, so now I am really guarded with who I let in" she said "I have to admit though that the press put me on edge a bit too" she said nodding her head towards a photographer in the distance. for the next two hours, we sat drinking wine eating and talking getting to know each other better even though we've been together for nearly 7 months we are taking things really slow so still have a lot to learn about each other.

the sun had well and truly set, "should we drop the car off at home and find somewhere to have a few drinks" I asked her "Yeah sure, but can we go to a small quiet bar rather than a club somewhere that has a Karaoke machine" she asked me smiling "Of course love" I said giving her a hug and packing up the picnic and picking the blanket up. We got in the car and drove back home. After dropping the car off we got a taxi into town to O'Connell's, We walked in and went straight to the bar and I ordered two Guinness and a shot of JD's each "how much will it cost to get you guys to stay open past lock down for us" I asked the bar keeper "hold on I'll get my manager" he says and goes off and comes back a minute later with who I presume is the manager "Hi Mr O'Donoghue I understand you are wanting to know how much to stay open past closing" the manager said to me "Yes, sir, If I gave you say 5,000 do you think that would cover it" I asked him "I believe so sir" he said "Great here's my card keep the drinks coming" I said handing over my credit card. we went down the back of the bar and sat down by the pool table. "Do you mind if I invite the lads?" I asked Shaylee "of course not," she said. So I rang Mark and then Glen and they were both on their way I told them that we had paid for longer hours "I think someones having a laugh" Shaylee said gesturing towards the bar I didn't realise what she meant at first then I clicked that they were playing millionaires the bar keeper was looking over with a bit of a cheeky grin "yeah I think so too" I said as I spot Mark and Glen "Hey lads" I said giving them a man hug "Did you two fly here or something" Shaylee piped up standing up to hug them "Wow you look amazing tonight" Mark said "Oi, eyes of Sheehan she's mine"Danny said laughing "And to answer your question, no we didn't fly here we were around the corner when Danny rang" Mark said 

Shaylee's P.O.V 

"Be right back guys" I say pulling my phone out as I stood up "Where are you going love" Danny asked me "Just gonna ring the babysitter and see how Danielle is" I replied "It's the first time since she's been born that we have left her without one of us there, sorry babe but I can't help but worry" I said to him then walking out to call the babysitter. All was well at home so on the way back inside I stopped at the bar "Can I get two bottles of Vodka and two bottles of Jack Daniels please and 2 extra glasses" I asked the bar keeper "Yeah sure love, do you want a tray with that" he asked me "Please" I replied. After a minute or so he placed a tray in front of me with the bottles and glasses on it and went back down to where the lads were and started putting the bottles and glasses down on the table "Excuse me Miss" Said Danny "Could you please tell me where my gorgeous fiancee disappeared to" I still haven't got used to hearing the word fiancee I thought to myself "Oi, it's me ya cheeky begger" I said to him trying not to laugh "I know babe I was having a laugh" He said with a big cheesy grin on his face. "Danielle is fine she's just had a bottle and gone back to sleep," I said  sitting back down and reaching for a bottle of Jack and pouring myself a generous glass full and proceeding to empty the glass down my throat "Oh shit, looks like it's on," Mark said with a smirk "Yeah, you think you can keep up" I replied with an even cheekier smirk "Is the pope Catholic" Mark replied laughing "I don't know I've never met him it could be a lie set by the church" I said trying to wind him up, the lads cracked up laughing as I poured another drink

It was well after 6 am, Glen and Mark went home an hour ago, Danny and I were still drinking and singing our hearts out by now we were well and truly locked, the bar manager came over and said "Sorry guys we have to close there been an emergency out back" so we finished our drinks and grabbed our things to leave. There was a brisk chill in the air and my feet were getting sore so I took my shoes off and Danny took them of me "I can carry them" I said with a slight shiver to my voice and Danny picked up on it, He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders "Oh my god" I slurred "This is totally a Millionaires moment and Danny started to laugh while flagging down a taxi "We can walk home love" I slurred "No it's too cold lets get you home to bed love" he replied. when we got home the babysitter was on the couch feeding Danielle "How was she" I asked "She was a perfect little angel" The babysitter replied I handed her $200 for the nights work "If I give you another $200 do you think you could stay for a bit longer so we can get some sleep and sober up" I asked her "Yeah sure" she replied and I handed her the extra cash "You coming to bed love" I asked Danny "yip" he said popping the P and we both went and climbed into bed "Thank you for a perfect night babe, you really made me feel special tonight" I said to Danny as I started to nod off to sleep "You're welcome my precious" he said Kissing my forehead "Good night Angel"

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