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Two weeks later

Danny's P.O.V

the lads and I are in the studio and our phones all sounded at the same time signalling a text, I opened the text and read it. It was Shaylee wanna meet me in Temple bar in 20 minutes. Sure be there soon I replied "I take it you two got the same message as me" "Yeah" they both replied as we all got up to grab our jackets. When we arrive at Temple Bar she was already at the bar drinking a pint of Guinness and there were three more pints in front of her. "hey you" I said walking up to her giving her a hug "Hey she replied hug me back then giving Glen and Mark a hug too. "Here you go, lads," she said handing us the pint's of the bar "how's the new job going," Mark asked her to which she replied "not bad but the boss is a sleaze" she laughed "he keeps cracking onto me," she said turning her head to look at the door to which three girls just walked in "Damn the blondes hot" she said with a cheeky grin on her face to which we gave her a sideways look "What" we said at the same time "I said she's hot" she replied "Oh shit didn't I tell you I'm Bi" she laughed no you definitely didn't" I said chuckling "I'll be back in a minute I'm gonna invite them over" She said getting up and walking over towards the girls that walked in

Shaylee's P.O.V

"Hey girls, Would you like to come join us at the bar my shout," I said hoping they would say yes "yeah sure, You guys coming to," the blonde said "My names Bianca, What's yours" she asked me as we start walking to the bar "Shaylee, And this is Danny Glen and Mark" I say gesturing to the lads "Holy Shit you know The Script" she said getting excited "I had tickets to see them last month but it was cancelled" she said sadly "I'm sorry that was my fault they were in New Zealand saving my life" I said feeling guilty "Really, I'm sorry to hear that" she said "What happened if you don't mind me asking" She asked "It's a long story" I replied maybe I'll tell you about it sometime" I said to her "I'd love to hear It sometime" she said. Wow, she such a sweet chick I thought to myself "what would you lady's like to drink" I asked "Guinness" they replied together. "can we get three more Guinness's over here please sir" I said to the bar tender Handing over the cash. I turned back to Bianca and said "I hope this doesn't sound too forward but here's My number, I'd like to take you out sometime, If you're not interested I understand" "that sounds great" She said with a big grin on her face "Pass me your phone and I'll put my number in" she said to me so I passed her my phone and she programmed her number in. "hey Danny should we get some drink from the of licence and go back to the studio" I asked him "Yeah sure providing it's ok with the lady's" he replied "what do you girls think " Bianca asked her friends whom I just found out Are named Kelly and Tracy "Sure sounds good" they said "Just one condition" Danny said "You can't tell anyone where the studio is, We don't want to get ambushed by fans" "Of course" said Bianca "we aren't like that we are so grateful to be meeting you lads, we really appreciate it and we respect you as artists and our idols we wouldn't want to break that trust" she added

We arrived at the studio after a short walk and a trip to the bottle store and Glen let us all in "Hey Glen can I have a jam on your drums" I asked "I would play mine but my gear hasn't arrived yet as you know" "Yeah sure he replied "I haven't seen you play yet" He said as I sat down at the kit and pick up the drumstick and started to play AC/DC highway to hell after a few seconds Mark joined in on his Guitar And I started singing and Bianca's jaw dropped and Danny and Glen looked like the Pope just walked in they were completely gobsmacked. No one said anything till the song was finished Bianca and Glen spoke at the same time "Gee your full of surprises" they said at the same time "that was amazing" Glen said I've heard you sing before but never like that, and the way you thrash my kit just blew me away" he said in complete shock "will you record something while we're here" Danny asked "only for personal listening you know why I don't want it released" I replied "Of course " he said "Just let me have a few drink first" I told him "what do you lady's want, Just help yourself I bought it for everyone" I said to the girls Just them there was a knock on the door and Danny went to answer it and Ed walked In "hey Ed" I said walking over to give him a hug "Hey love, I'm sorry to hear what happened when I left New Zealand" he said with a sad sound to his voice "don't worry about it I said. Just as I finished speaking there was a thud and Kelly had passed out "Don't worry about her" Tracy said as I lifted Kelly up to the couch "She has a Major crush on Ed so she fainted" She added and we all laughed "It's ok when I meet him I fell off my seat" I told her laughing at my memory "what brings you here Ed" I asked him "Danny text and asked if I wanted to join you guys as he knew I was in town for a few days" he replied to me. Kelly was starting to come round and had gone bright red from embarrassment "don't worry" I said to her and told her what happened when I meet Ed. "Do you play any Instruments?" Ed asked "I play Guitar and Violin" replied Kelly "and I play Piano and Keyboard and sing" replied Bianca " what about you," Ed asked Tracy "the only thing I can do I rap," she said with a slight redness in her cheeks "Go on spit some bars" I said to her


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'
What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' now
The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow!
Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity
Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? No
He won't have it, he knows his whole back city's ropes
It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's broke
He's so stacked that he knows, when he goes back to his mobile home, that's when its
Back to the lab again yo, this whole rhapsody
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him"

when she gets to the chorus I start singing and Danny joins in

"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime you better

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime you better

we finished the song and Ed said "holy shit we need to record this Mark get your Guitar, Glen get on drums" "Hey Ed can I do this I know lose yourself like the back of my hand" I said to him "Ok hurry up I'll get everything ready" he said so we took our places and started once we were finished Ed said "Listen to this guys" and played the recording Omg with Danny and me on singing the chorus and Tracy rapping the verses it sounded sick "wow that's brilliant Imagine how It will sound edited" I said "right who's up for a drink" Danny asked "Hell Yeah" I replied "Scotch straight up for me " "Sweet what do you lady's want" Dany asked "Just a beer" they replied and we all sat in a comfortable silence for about five minutes "Hey lads where the Jacks" I asked down the corridor on the right" Glen said "Cheers be back in a minute" I replied to him as I walked to the door to go to the loo. As I sat down on the toilet my phone went off so I checked it, You can't get away from me slut I know where you've moved to your at the temple bar apartments watch your back I'm coming for you. Fuck I thought to myself he knows where I am. I finished in the loo and went back to the studio "Lads can you come here for a second" I asked them. I handed my phone to Mark "Read the last text and pass the phone to Glen then Danny, But don't read it out loud" I said passing my phone to Mark "We need to ring the Garda" they all said If he knows where you live he knows where you are now and he knows who your with none of us are safe including Bianca, Kelly and Tracy" Mark said "Ok I'll tell the girls you guys ring the Garda" I said to them. "hey girls we have a major problem none of us is safe right now my Phsycotic ex-has followed me from New Zealand and is threatening me he knows where I live which means he knows where I am and who I'm with the lads are ringing the Garda as we speak but it is unsafe for you to leave as he may target you to get to me. I know we only met a few hours ago but you lady's especially you Bianca mean a lot and I'd hate for anything to happen to you so you must stay with us" I told them "Ok is there anything we can do" Bianca asked me "Just don't leave this room until the Garda get here and listen to everything we and the Garda tell you to do" I replied to her "I'm so sorry about this, I should never have spoken to you guys tonight and dragged you into this it was my war now I have put you in harms way and for that I am truly sorry" "Hey" Tracy said "You have nothing to be sorry for it's not your fault your ex is a Phsyco" Not long after the Garda arrived "We have received International orders that if anything like this was to happen we are to put you in Police protective custody until he's caught so come on guys and gals there's a police vehicle waiting outside to get you to somewhere safe" the Garda said "Can we see some credentials" Danny asked "sorry but we can't be too careful, you could be a fake" he added "Shit I never thought of that" I piped up as the Garda offered up his I.d "Thanks" said Danny but you can never be too careful in times like this. I am going to ring our private security team as well to be doubly sure" he added, "no problem" The Garda replied "Better safe than sorry, Let's get you lot to safety" the Garda added as my Phone went off again. Big mistake getting the Garda involved now you and your friends are dead the text said. I handed my phone to the Garda and said "this just come through "Ignore and block them you're safe now" The Garda said to me. we all got In the car and drove off

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