Sorry but no Part 2

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Shaylee's Pov

I must be on my 20th glass by now and the couch seems to be moving under me "Danny" I screamed "help me outside please" I asked him I was having another panic attack, Danny took me out on the deck and sat me down on the chair and the fresh air was helping I was starting to calm down "can you grab my smokes for me please" "yeah sure, do you want me to get you a drink too" he asked me "yes please" I said. Danny came back with my smokes, my drink and a smoke for himself. I took a smoke and lit it and took a long shaky drag. "I wish these aftershocks would stop they are doing my head in," I said to Danny as I downed the drink he gave me. I have completely calmed down now "should we go back inside" I say as I crushed out my cigarette in the ashtray "yeah, It's getting a bit nippy out here" he replied. when we got inside I noticed the other three lads still sat at the table "Who's up for some spin the bottle New Plymouth styles" I said to the lads "what's that" they all answered at the same time "It's like spin the bottle but instead of truth or dare its truth, secret or lie, you spin the bottle and the person it lands on chooses what one they want, If they choose secret they have to tell a secret, If they choose lie they have to tell something and we all have to guess if its the truth or a lie and if they choose truth someone has to ask them a Question and they have to answer with the truth" "sweet I'm in" said Ed "Me too" says Mark and Glen together Danny seemed a bit apprehensive about it "You don't have to play if you don't want to" I told him "I'll play I just don't think this is a good idea" he said "trust me It'll be fine" I said to him we all sat on the floor in the living room using the empty vodka bottle to spin and sipping our drinks. I was the first to spin the bottle and it landed on Ed "Truth, secret or lie" I asked him "lie" he replied "when I was 5 I thought I was superman and I could fly and jumped off the garage and broke my leg"( This actually happened to me but for the sake of the story I'll say it was Ed) Ed said "Truth" I said while Danny, Glen and Mark thought it was a lie "True" Ed told us. I spun the bottle again and this time it landed on me "I choose Secret" I said "My secret is that I have never been on a real date" I told them "Really" the all answered dumbfounded "yeah it's true" I replied and spun the bottle again and it landed on Glen. " I'll go truth," Glen said smirking "If you were to look back on all your relationships and were to say to yourself what was I thinking who would it be" I asked him "Back when I was 16 I was with a girl by the name of Kimberly if I remember correctly a complete nut job she was constantly stalking me ever after we split up" he said "Omg what a Psyco " I replied spinning the bottle again and it landed on me again. "I choose truth" I said, Mark asks me "would you ever go out with Danny" Danny looks absolutely embarrassed "I'm sorry but no, I could never go out with Danny the public life is something I have never wanted and could never deal with especially at the moment that's why I never took my music further after leaving my ex" I answered. Next thing I know Danny's rushing out of the room looking heartbroken. "Shit I didn't mean to upset him what the fuck" "He really likes you that's why I asked," Mark said "you twat look what you've done, he must feel really bad getting publicly rejected," I said getting up to go and check on Danny. I got to the door and tried to open it but it was locked " Danny let me in please" I said "Go Away" was all he said "either let me in or I'll kick the door in" I replied "I Said Go Away" he said "Right I warned you" I said back and gave the door a massive kick and it flew open, I walked in and shut the door behind me the best I could with how it was broken. "I'm sorry but Mark is a twat if I knew how you felt I would never have answered in front of everyone like that, Come here It's my turn to give you a hug now, you don't know how sorry I am but it would never work between us and you are far too good for me anyway, and don't argue" I said seeing it in his eyes that he was about to argue "things won't be awkward I won't let them you are an amazing friend and I would hate to lose you as a friend you saved my life multiple time now and you have been an absolute rock to me, Now dry your eye and come back out and drink with us" "No more spin the bottle though" he said trying to fake a smile but I could see he was hurting "Go out with the other I'll be out in a minute I need to pee and to keep you happy I will sing till I'm out" " Ok he said and went to the living room and I started singing Superheroes as I went into the bathroom. I"m such a dickhead how could I hurt him like that after what he's done to me where's that razor as long as I keep singing they won't get suspicious, I thought to my self and grabbed the razor pulled my pants down sat on the toilet and cut my legs all the time still singing afterwards I covered the cuts with a bandage and washed my hands and went back out to the others "What took you so long, Let me see your arms" Glen demanded, I pulled up my sleeves and when he saw no fresh cuts he was happy. I'm not dumb I know to hide them now they always check wrists but never thighs. "Mark that really was a Dick move asking in front of everyone you know," I told him. "I honestly didn't think you would say no now I feel bad" he replied "Ok let's drop it, Everyone got a drink," I said "No," said Danny. I poured Danny another drink and passed it to him "thanks" he said and I noticed his hand was shaking. I grabbed my smokes of the coffee table and said "wanna Join me" to Danny "Ok, I think I need one" he said. So we both went out to the deck, "Shit I forgot my smokes" He said "Here Have one of mine" Said as I handed him a smoke, I lit my smoke and passed him the lighter he lit his smoke and had a long drag " urgggg these Smokes taste like shit, What brand are they?" he asked "They are Choice a cheap crappy brand but its all I can afford sorry" I told him "It's better than a kick in the teeth with steel caps" he said and I laughed "I really am sorry you know, I'm just not cut out for a life in the limelight" I said to him "It's ok" He said "I just wish I hadn't already fallen for you" he replied. Omg, he really knows how to make someone feel worse I thought to myself as I crushed out my smoke. "Omg your fucking shivering why didn't you say you were cold come back inside, " I said to him, " I think I'm gonna sit out here by myself for a while," He said "Ok but I'm bringing out the duvet so you don't freeze and get hyperthermia" I said getting up to get the blanket "OK" he replied. I went in and grabbed the duvet for him and took it outside to him "stand up for a minute please" I asked him and he stood up and I wrapped the blanket around him "You can sit down now if you want" I said after wrapping him up "we're inside if you need us ok" I said "Ok" he replied and I went back inside "Where is he" Glen asked "He's still outside he wanted some time by himself so don't go out he'll call if he needs someone" I told him as I poured myself another drink.

About an hour later my phone went off and it was a text from Danny, I opened it to read it all it said was goodbye. I dropped my phone and ran to the door to see Danny starting to climb onto the rails of the balcony "DON'T YOU DARE" I screamed at him "LADS HELP" I shout for the lads to help as I tried to wrestle him from climbing up Ed, Glen and Mark came running out "HELP ME GET HIM DOWN" I yell as they all look on gobsmacked by what they see as Mark and Glen rush forward and help but Ed just stands there in total shock. We get Danny back over and manage to drag him inside. Once we got him inside I went out and grabbed the blanket and took it inside and put it on him and he just lay there and cried himself to sleep. "Mark I need to talk to you for a minute," I said nodding my head to the bedroom "You to don't take your eye off him," I said to Ed and Glen as I followed Mark into the Bedroom. "Mark, I have to go home, I can't stay with you guys can you see what it's going to do to him if I'm still here" I told him "You can't just go home, remember Danny's got care of you" he replied "I will ring my lawyer first thing in the morning and explain whats happened and get the order reversed, The judge will agree under the circumstances of what's just happened he can't be dealing with this" " What about you" Mark asked "Seriously, Mark, who gives a fuck about me I'm the reason he did this so I Can't stay here walking on eggshells, you know how I took so long in the toilet earlier this is why" I pulled my jeans down removed the bandage and show him my leg. "This is all my fault a can't stay here" "I can't let you go home now that I have seen that if you try to leave I will call the police," he said "For fuck sake are you serious, If I stay here one of us will end up dead, I know you don't want that on your conscience" I spat back at him "sorry but my word is final your not leaving" was all he said back "Fine but I'm not leaving this room after I've gone out to get some alcohol" I retorted "fine" was all he said back with a heavy sigh " I went out and grabbed the rest of the vodka, a bottle of Scotch and my glass "Go and look after Danny he's asking for you" I told him Danny had just woken up asking for Mark. Mark left the room and I opened the bottle not even bothering with the glass I started to skull the clear liquid not even wincing as it burnt my throat. I got up and opened my bag and started Rummaging around till I found what I was looking for, My sleeping pills. I opened the bottle and tipped them all into my hand when Ed barged in. "Hey please, don't do that," he said when he what I had in my hand "why not " I said to him "look what I cause Danny's a mess because of me, I wish he never saved me the first time and none of this would have happened" I said and Ed looked shocked "You don't mean that" he said back "yeah I do" I said and shoved the hand full of pills in my mouth and swallowed with my drink "LADS" he yelled "SOMEONE GET ME SOME BAKING SODA MILK AND ASPIRIN NOW" he screamed at the top of his lungs. A few seconds later Glen runs in with everything "whats going on" he said passing everything to Ed "She just took all of those" Ed told him while tipping all the baking soda milk and aspirin into my glass "I need to induce vomiting before they start working" he said "Hold her down while I make her drink this" Ed said Glen tried to Pin me down while I was trying to fight him off, Damn he's strong for someone so skinny. ED started pouring the stuff down my throat and it tasted foul "get her into the bathroom before she starts vomiting" he said Glen, Glen lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom as soon as he put me down I started heaving into the toilet after 15 minutes I finally stopped vomiting and Glen lifted me back into bed. "You go back out with Mark and Danny and I'll stay here with her," Ed said "and don't tell Mark what happened" he added once Glen left the room Ed sat next to me on the bed he started rubbing my hair out of my face and started to sing A Team to me "you may not realise it now but people do care about you" he said as I drifted off into a nightmare filled sleep

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