Shaylee goes home

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Danny's P.O.V

Just as the credits start rolling Shaylee wakes up "Right I'm going for a shower then going into town for a while it's my payday and I have stuff to do" She said and got out of bed and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. "Who's going to town with her lads, she can't go alone," I asked Mark and Glen looked at each other and Glen said "I'll go with her, Mark stay here" I got out of bed and went into the kitchen and made a cuppa tea "Anyone else want a cuppa" I yelled out "no thanks" Mark replied "Na I'm gonna get ready to go" Glen replied while I continued to make my cup of tea. I made my cuppa and went and sat on the couch and flicked the telly one when I heard I noise coming from the bathroom, so I got up to see whats going on "You ok in there" I said knocking on the bathroom door. "Yeah I'm fine I just slipped on the bar of soap, I'm fine though" She replied and I chuckled to myself

Shaylee's P.O.V

I got out of the shower, That was close Danny must have heard me drop my phone. I rung my lawyer to get him to get the court order reversed so I can go home I can't stay here knowing that I am hurting him so much I thought to myself while getting dressed. I finished getting dressed and done my hair in my trademark quiff and left the bathroom. "Anyone know where my handbag is," I asked the lads "It's on the table" Glen replied pointing to my handbag "Thanks, Glen," I said "Ok I'm off, Is there anything you lads want while I'm gone, "no" Danny and Mark replied "I'm coming with you" Glen said "Ok you ready then" I asked "as ever" he replied "see you two soon" I said to Mark and Danny as we left

As we walked out of The Landing Cafe with coffee's my phone rang "Hello " I said answering my phone "Hi Shaylee, just letting you know the orders been reversed" My lawyer said "Thanks, I will ring you later I'm out in town at the moment but thanks for letting me know" I responded hanging up the phone and putting it in my pocket "what was that about" Glen asked with a curious look on his face "It was my lawyer" I told him "I asked him to apply for the orders to be reversed so I can go home and he was letting me know that the judged has agreed and the orders have been reversed I can go home any time now, but you guys are more than welcome to visit when you want " "you're not ready to be on your own yet" Glen said with a worried look on his face "that maybe but I can't stay with you guys anymore I can see how much it's hurting Danny and I can't stand to see him hurt" I said "I may not agree with you but I understand" he responded with a gentle but concerned look on his face "Should we go back now so I can get packed to go home" I asked him "Ok" he replied with a pensive look on his face

we got back to the hotel and Danny and Mark was sitting on the sofa " I'm going to pack my stuff can you let them know what's happening, If they want confirmation then I'll get my lawyer to drop of the court order papers" I said to Glen as I headed to the room and started packing up my stuff when I had done I called a cab and left the room. When I got into the living room only Glen was there, "Where have Danny and Mark gone" I asked Glen "I wanted to say goodbye I've already called a taxi" "Danny lost in when I told them you are leaving so he's in Marks room with him I'm coming with you to get you settled in" He replied, Just as he finished speaking the hotel phone rang "Your Taxi's here miss" the voice on the phone said "Thanks, I'll be right down" I replied hanging up the phone after I grabbed my stuff and we left the hotel in a comfortable silence. We got in the taxi and I gave the driver my address and there was silence for the rest of the journey till we arrived and I paid the driver. As we went passed the two flats before mine I noticed that the flat next door was empty, Shit I forgot they were moving out, I hope there are not Idiots that move in next. I grabbed out my keys and opened the door and Glen followed me inside as I put the bags down I caught a faint smell of ChromeX cologne that's strange I thought to myself the only one I know that wears that's my ex, I thought nothing more of it and went to put the jug on. "Fuck I forgot to stop and get milk," I said out loud "Hey Glen there is a service station on the corner could I get you to get some milk for me," I asked him handing him $10 as I started to get the cups out to make Glen a cup of tea and myself a coffee "I don't normally buy much milk cause I have black drinks" I said as he started to walk towards the door "Be back soon" Glen said as he left. as Glen left I went to use the loo and as I flushed the toilet I heard someone come in assuming it was Glen I yelled out "Gee that was fast did you run there or something" as I was walking out the door I heard a vaguely familiar voice say "Or something" I look up and a look of pure terror washed over my face. My ex-was standing in the middle of the room with a sly smirk on his face "Who's the new fella, he looks like one of the lads out of that band you like" "that's because it is the drummer Glen" I replied to him trying not to set him off. when I finished speaking I felt a searing hot pain shooting across my cheek "and who said you could become a groupie you fat fucking whore" he said as he hit me again, this time I fell to the ground. what the hell he's gonna beat me anyway may as well wind him up "I've been hanging out with The Script for the last 4 weeks not that it's any of your business we have been over for nearly a year you don't control me anymore you fucking animal" I yelled at him "we'll see about that" he replied grabbing me by my hair dragging me into the bedroom and throwing me on the floor repeatedly kicking me in the process. After he finished kicking me he pulled out a knife, Yay It'll finally be over he's gonna kill me I thought to my self, but he didn't stab me instead he cut my pants off "No, Don't " I screamed but it had no effect on him whatsoever he held me down with one hand and pulled his pants down with his other then he raped me. when he finished he started beating me again then pulled his knife out and started stabbing me, he stabbed me at least 16 times then started to rape me again. Just as I started to lose consciences I heard Glen's voice "What th..." That's the last thing I heard before I passed out

Glens P.O.V

$5.99 for a bottle of milk that's daylight robbery I thought to my self as I left the service station and started heading back to Shaylee's house. As I walked in the door I heard a commotion coming from the bedroom so I went to check it out as I got to the doorway I saw some man standing over Shaylee with his pant's down and she was covered in blood as I registered what was going on he did his pants up "what the fucks going on" I yelled out, and the man shoved passed me and ran for the door. I pulled out my Phone and rang for an Ambulance then rang the lads asking to meet me at the hospital "It's gonna be ok love" I told her while Stroking her forehead five minutes later the Ambulance arrived and took us to the hospital, When we got there I was asked to wait in the waiting room and when I got out there the lads were already waiting "Whats going on " Danny screamed at me looking terrified "What happened Mark asked so I told them what I saw when I got back to Shaylee's after getting the milk. After about six hours of us sitting in silence a doctor came out to talk to us, He pulled us into a private room and said "You can see Shaylee soon She's had surgery to repair the stab wounds and she's also had 4 litres of blood to replace what she lost she is stable and can go home in the morning, But the Police want to speak to you Mr Power and as you may already have realised but you will need to be careful about her being that she was sexually assaulted as well we had to give her a sedative to allow male staff to treat her" The doctor told us and I noticed Danny was crying as the Doctor told us this "If you will follow me Mr O'Donoghue and Mr Sheehan I will take you to her room, Mr power could you wait here for the Police officer and then I will escort you to her room"

Danny's P.O.V

the doctor took us to her room and told us we could go in "Just ring the call bell when she wakes up and we will come and check up on her" the doctor told us before leaving. I went over to the chair beside her bed and sat down looking at her broken body in complete shock she looks a mess, Her face was completely unrecognisable. I broke down and started crying, Mark came over and sat next to me he was completely speechless. We sat in a stunned silence for about twenty minutes before she started to move and her eyes started to flicker before she opened them. She looked at me with a look of complete terror on her face and started to panic I reached for the call bell and frantically pushed the button. The doctor came rushing in at the same time Glen walked in looking like he was in total shock "The police just told me they believe it was her ex but he has vanished and still at large they have recommended getting her out of the country till he's caught but she has to agree first" Glen said to us "Stop talking about me like I'm not here" Shaylee retorted "I can't leave the country, not without my son" She added "But he's not going to stop till he kills you, please it's for your own safety" Glen tried to reason with her as I left the room to make a phone call to my lawyer

45 minutes later I came back into the room and the doctor had gone "Right that's sorted you are coming with us and you don't have a choice about it I have another court order in place and it states that if you try to fight us we can have you sedated till we get you safely out of the country" I told her "Fine" she retorted "but I will get my own place and I will need a job and that is not negotiable, I will have my lawyer add that to the order" she said picking up her phone and making a call

Ten minutes later she gets off the phone and said "My lawyer has had that added to the order and it also states that as soon as Mike has been caught and behind bars, the order will be removed and I will be free to do as I please. So I suggest one of you guys please organise a flat or even a boarding house for me to stay at when we get there" "do you think that wise" I asked her "It's my terms take it or leave it, If you are that concerned then make it a 2 bedroom place and Glen and Mark can take turns staying over. I will need to be alone though cause at the moment I can't trust anyone. Now can I be alone for a while" She said to us "yeah sure" we all replied getting up and leaving the room and sitting on the seats outside the room next to a cop that was sitting outside the door "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you she has a police escort till she is safely out of the country and there will be 4 officers on the plane with us till we get there" Glen said as I pulled out my phone to ring our manager to make the arrangements for us

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