Chapter 6

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It's been two months since Jax has turned seventeen, and we found out we are mates. I stayed in my room for a few weeks, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom. My mother and father, just thought it was all because of Sam. And it was in a way. But I just didn't want to see Jax, I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to control myself. Just thinking about him, makes me want to go to him. I miss his warm body. 

    But I cant think like that. My bother wouldn't want us to be together. Or would he? Would Sam be okay with me and Jax, if he was still alive right now? I cant think that way. But anyways, I was took out of school, so I can start training as soon as I can.

   My dad says there is a war to heading our way soon. And that anyone that has been through the change, has to be trained so that we can fight in it. I don't think it is such a good idea, why our we going to begin war? I never liked the idea of fighting. Why couldn't werewolves live in peace? But I guess since humans cant, why should our race?

   But I was sent to start training for the war, and I told them that I didn't trust anyone but my father to train me, so me and my father, only train by ourselves. No one knows about me and Jax, me and him only talked a couple of times after that night.

   I told him that I couldn't be with my brothers best friend. He just kept telling me the same thing over and over again. That Sam, wouldn't have cared, that he would be happy for us. But the thing that makes me not want it, is that we don't know if Sam would be for it. 

   But it is getting hard to stay away from Jax, I cant believe I have lasted two months. The bond between mates make s you want them. But we haven't mated and we haven't even kissed. Maybe that's why.

   Tonight I think I will go to the pond. Just to take a swim, and think everything over. I always loved just laying beside the pond, looking at the stars, and think about everything. I felt like the stars helped me with my problems.

    I was laying on my bed, thinking about all of it. When a knock came to my window. I got up, walked over. Already knowing who it was, by all the tingles I was getting. I opened the curtains and I was right. There on the other side of the glass was Jax.

     I opened the window. "What do you want, Jax?"

     "I want to be with you Angel. I want you to be mine, like you should be." He told me.

    I just walked away from the window, knowing that he would come in. I sat down on my bed, crossed my legs. After he came in, he sat down next to me.

    "Angel, you cant ignore me forever. We are mates. We were made for each other. Your brother would be happy for us, I know he is happy."

    He took my hand in his. The warm tingles spread through out my body. It was like a drug, I wanted more of the feeling. I started to lean into him. But I snapped out of it. I pulled my hand away from him. 

   "No, I will not betray my brother. He is dead Jax. And right now all you want is to get me to mate with you. Just because we are mates." I whisper.

   "Angel, damn it. It has been more than two months since he died. You need to move on. Be happy." He yells.

   I shrink away from him. And I see that he has notice that he just yelled at me. He starts to move towards me, but I push him away.

  "I don't want you, Jax. I am not in love with you. I never will be. I don't want a mate now or ever." I tell him, as I get off the bed, and walk over to the window. "Please go. Your just going to get me into trouble. Or let someone know that we are mates."

    "Maybe I will tell my mom and dad that we are." He threatens.

    He wouldn't, would he? He knows that they will make us be together. So he would do it. Just so he could have me. Why?

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